People Matters

People First: Employee Engagement for winning together


The book Nine Lies About Work by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall shared that at workplaces, employees encounter a number of distortions, faulty assumptions, and negative emotions. All these experiences can mount up to cause dysfunction and frustration, ultimately resulting in workplaces that are a pale shadow of what they could be.

But there are those who can get past the lies and discover what's real. These freethinking leaders recognize the power and beauty of employees’ individual uniqueness and hence strive to build a happy, motivated and engaged workforce.

In this campaign by People Matters and Xoxoday, #PeopleFirst, we bring the focus of talent professionals on the current status of employee engagement, and the challenges and the opportunities HR teams should be aware of.

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How a global online travel firm improved GPTW rank

How a global online travel firm improved GPTW rank

With the right technology in place, Cleartrip, a global online travel company gained 10 points in GPTW, improved employee satisfaction scores by 10% and reduced R&R turnaround time. Here is what the company did.

Anushree Sharma,
#Employee Engagement  #PeopleFirst

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