Video: TechHR15: Wiring the future of HR


TechHR15: Wiring the future of HR

7 days to go for the most awaited HR technology conference in India – TechHR15 Conference & Exhibition. See you there!

At TechHR14, the Big Debate was on the topic “Does HR need technology or technology need HR?” According to the pro-HR group, HR existed before technology and did very well, and technology is an equaliser while HR is the differentiator. The pro-technology group said that today many people are connected. HR is the only function, which continues to exist despite technology; the rest of the people have moved on. Wrong decisions don't take place because of technology, they do so despite it. Who can forget Anand Pillai’s “kar ke dikhao sala” remark. This year at TechHR15, two teams (four each) of leading lights of the industry will spar with each other on who holds the power when it comes to innovation and decentralization. The Big Debate is the highlight of the Conclave!

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Topics: Technology, #TechHR2015

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