What value are you offering employees? : HR Magazine


HR Magazine/ 2022/ April

What value are you offering employees?

What value are you offering employees?

Astute leaders and progressive organisations have always known that the best way to attract and keep talent is to offer value beyond salary alone. And that value extends beyond the immediate perks and benefits listed in an employment contract. It's about their growth and advancement, and also ever more about their personal ethics and sense of social responsibility.

In this month's issue, we look at how organisations are supporting employees into the future of their careers and beyond the confines of their workplaces, and letting them know that support is there for them. We hear from well-known HR leaders such as Ayaskant Sarangi, Chief Human Resources Officer of Wipro Enterprises, Ritu Rakhra, Regional HR Head – India, Dell Technologies, and Maria Zhang, Senior Director, Human Resources, APAC, Juniper Networks. We further bring the perspective of talent specialists who have been observing the shift in employee expectations and employer strategies.

The employee value proposition is so much more than a statement these days. It's an entire organisational culture, one that is still evolving with the times.

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Big Interview

Talent Hunt: How companies can get competitive for the best hires

Employees are increasingly looking for organisations with a higher say-do ratio and better transparency, which are honest about what is feasible and what is not, and explicit in this respect, says Ayaskant Sarangi, CHRO of Wipro Enterprises.


Cover Story

Revisit your purpose and supporting values to create a great employee value proposition

The fight for talent requires you to rethink what it is your organisation can deliver for an employee that will be differentiated and inspiring, says Darci Darnell, Global Head of Customer Practice at Bain & Company.



Employees should be treated with empathy, and their time should be valued

With the tremendous shifts that the pandemic created in the work environment, employees' expectations of the value they derive from an organisation have changed greatly. Rakhi Shaha, Senior Director Human Resources, Mobileum, talks about how this impacts the employee value proposition.



Employee Experience – Do you CARE?

An organisation’s reputation for how well it treats its employees significantly affects its ability to attract the talent it needs. What does it take to create an experience that wins employees’ hearts? HR consultant Clinton Wingrove recommends the acronym CARE.


Rapid Fire

Professor Ranjay Gulati, Harvard Business School

Purpose is a prism through which to view both long-term strategy and day-to-day operations. Without it, a company will flounder.


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