Article: A decade of excellence: People Matters TechHR India turns 10

HR Technology

A decade of excellence: People Matters TechHR India turns 10

As People Matters TechHR India gears up for its tenth edition, we bring to you reasons from speakers and partners to be a part of Asia’s largest HR and Worktech conference.
A decade of excellence: People Matters TechHR India turns 10

The year was 2013 when People Matters decided to begin their flagship conference, TechHR India. And in the last few years, it has become Asia’s largest HR and Worktech conference. Each year, we have devised newer ways of intersecting business, technology and leadership for greater impact and to help you, our community, become the answer to your organisation's challenges.

We have always believed that People Matters TechHR is not a conference, but a journey of discovery where top decision makers, frontline managers, analysts, investors, HR and worktech innovators and startup founders come together to share inspiration, exchange ideas and transform people and work paradigms. For Kate Sweetman, director of leadership, governance, and human capital at SEACEN, “People Matters TechHR is a very unusual conference. TechHR is more interesting, more multifaceted, faster-paced and on point.” 

By asking the right questions, we strive to expand the horizon of development for professionals who are interested in upskilling themselves through a variety of formats across the agenda including keynote presentations, workshops, masterclasses, coaching sessions, unconference and study tours, among others. And Joanna Riley, CEO and co-founder, Censia agrees: “I love the dynamic of the different formats of sessions.” 

Every year since its inception, we made sure that the agenda for the entire two-day conference is structured to provide content from multiple dimensions, while addressing salient business and talent challenges, cultivating an experimentative and solutions-focused mindset, fostering peer exchange and inspiring personal commitment to create lasting impact. Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Chief Innovation Officer, Manpower Group, who will be a keynote speaker at this year’s TechHR India had earlier shared, “I am amazed by the quality and quantity of content, the format is really good. One of the best conferences I have been to.”

This year, over 2000 delegates from over 25 countries are set to attend Asia’s Largest HR and Worktech conference to be a part of a powerful movement of professionals who are designing for the unconventional. With Raju Mistry, Manas Human, T K Srirang, Ashwani Prashara, Savitha Shivsankar, Sameer Penakalapati, Jonathan Kestenbaum, Samik Basu and Dr Shashi Tharoor, you will get the chance to gain unique perspectives on the future of people and work through the lens of business, technology, humanities and their convergence. Grace Yip, Managing Director, Accenture, who attended the conference revealed, “TechHR is fabulous. I have really enjoyed myself being among incredible inspiring leaders. I took away a lot of inspiring nuggets."

As we go bigger in 2023, we bring to you out-of-the-box themed activities such as box breakthrough challenge, systemic constellations and lego serious play to widen your perspectives and help you design life and work at your organisation no matter the challenges ahead. As Josh Bersin, founder and CEO, The Josh Bersin Company mentioned, “I am energised. People Matters TechHR is fun.”

And how can we ever forget the largest exhibition that enables interaction with tech visionaries. From Atlas to Darwinbox, Mercer, Adobe, Skillsoft, People Strong, Vani, Advantage Club, Vantage Circle, Indeed, RippleHire, Jify, Hono, and many more, the most advanced and impactful product companies in the industry are set to attend. Mahalakshmi R, Head HR South East Asia, Mondelez International said, “TechHR has grown from level to level. Always a fantastic array of speakers and service providers that redefine what HR can be.” 

One of our partners from last year, Rick Hammell, founder and CEO, Atlas was “amazed to see the amount of investment into remote work and was super excited to be partnering with India in this next evolution.”

While last year’s theme revolved around rethink what’s possible with #FreshEyes, this year is all about the art of the possible - to be bold and brave to design for the unconventional times. And one of our past keynote speakers Holger Mueller, VP and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research puts it across beautifully, “Nature wants us to cling to old ways, but it's important to realise that the old ways are never going to come back, at least not in the same way.” 

And in the end, on a parting note, we would ask you to join us with your team and take stock of the skills you need to develop and achieve exponential business outcomes. And we hope you have the same experience as  our speakers, partners and delegates. As Ashok Ramachandran, President, Schindler India shared, “Thanks for inviting me and making me part of this amazing journey.” 

Take this chance to be a part of a global revolution at People Matters TechHR India on August 3 and 4 at Leela Ambience, Gurugram. Register now!


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Topics: HR Technology, Strategic HR, Leadership Development, #TechHRIN

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