Article: Serious Play brings serious transformative potential at TechHR

Employee Engagement

Serious Play brings serious transformative potential at TechHR

LEGO Serious Play masterclass at TechHR India 2023 offered a hands-on experience to empower industry players to unlock innovative solutions, foster collaboration, and drive meaningful change.
Serious Play brings serious transformative potential at TechHR

Action speaks louder than words. And this is what Laxman Murugappan, Founder - PlayThinkTransform & Co-Founder - Academy of Customer Experience Consultancy, and Geetika Kathuria, Association of Master Trainers, made people experience through the diverse world of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (LSP).

During a masterclass at ‘The Art Of The Possible: Design For The Unconventional - At People Matters TechHR 2023’ participants from the HR fraternity got an opportunity to experience a unique, communication and problem-solving technique for themselves, their team, and their business.

Those attending the masterclass at TechHR India 2023 were given LEGO bricks to play with a purpose, to experience and understand the Power of "hand knowledge", grounded in the scientific disciplines of neuroscience, flow, and imagination.

The session was aimed to help people unleash their creativity, anxiety, and communication through the colorful LEGO brick toys as tools for creative thinking, problem-solving, and communication in a professional context.

Participants were asked to create a duck using LEGO bricks. They got immersed in the activity to finish the task within the set time frame. Everyone took part in the activity so enthusiastically and made different styles of ducks by using very limited LEGO bricks.

This activity lets them realise the application of diverse approaches and active participation to improve the outcome when scarce resources. The activity also indicated the significance of freedom to experiment at the workplace while ensuring everyone’s contribution to the development of an organisation.

After completing the first round, participants were asked to create something new with the left LEGO bricks. They were reminded that now they have limited bricks that made them more attentive and immersive while creating their design and coming out with new designs. Despite limited LEGO bricks participants put their best efforts to present something innovative and they succeeded in doing so.

Attendees found the masterclass insightful, engaging, impactful, and exciting experiences with the LSP method. It also highlighted that in the changing paradigm, people need more flexibility rather than being managed by policies and controlled by leaders to put their best foot forward. Having such meetings in offices increases people’s active participation.

Why LSP activity

  • Shifts from "lean backward meetings" to "lean forward meetings"
  • Promotes increased participation and engagement
  • Aims for more insights and commitment
  • Facilitates strategy development and problem-solving
  • Encourages exploration of diverse viewpoints
  • Breaks down communication barriers
  • Cultivates collaboration and creativity

The idea behind LSP activity

  • Concept rooted in hands-on, interactive activities
  • Aims for deeper understanding, improved communication, and innovative thinking
  • Utilises tactile and visual aspects of LEGO bricks
  • Stimulates participants' imagination
  • Encourages thinking beyond conventional boundaries

What participants do

  • Participants express thoughts and ideas using LEGO bricks
  • Facilitator guides the process, ask questions and leads discussions
  • Encourages representation of perspectives
  • Fosters creative problem-solving
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Topics: Employee Engagement, #TechHRIN

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