Article: New Year, New Focus: 5 easy tips to re-engage employees post-holiday

Employee Engagement

New Year, New Focus: 5 easy tips to re-engage employees post-holiday

To aid employees in readjusting their goals and priorities following a break, leaders should utilise diverse strategies. The Chief People Officer at Compass Group India offered some simple yet effective tips for re-engaging employees after the holiday season.
New Year, New Focus: 5 easy tips to re-engage employees post-holiday

Following the holiday break, employees may easily lose interest. Juggling between personal and professional life, dealing with colleagues who are also disengaged, or coping with seasonal mood changes can lead to a significant decline in engagement. This phase often prompts individuals to rethink their positions, making it a crucial time for employees to consider their future steps. Yet, for employers, it's a chance to reconnect with their team and actively reignite their enthusiasm during this period. 

In the endeavour to reignite employee enthusiasm during the holidays, it's crucial for employers to understand their workforce's unique needs and preferences. However, the question remains: how can this be achieved? To uncover this, we spoke to Manika Awasthi, Chief People Officer at Compass Group India, who shared five practical strategies for leaders to re-engage employees after the holiday season.

1. Create a positive work environment

Transitioning from a laid-back, holiday mindset to a work-focused one can be tough for many individuals. They may need a period to readjust to a more structured routine, especially after enjoying a flexible schedule during the festivities. Tasks might have piled up during the holidays, leading to an overwhelming backlog that adds to the stress. Moreover, the holiday season often brings changes in diet, sleep patterns, and exercise routines, requiring employees to readjust to regain full focus and prioritise their health and well-being.

To address these challenges, Ms. Awasthi suggested, “creating a positive work environment through weekly engagement activities that foster a sense of fun. Initiatives could include employee well-being programs featuring monthly fitness challenges, alongside a focus on providing healthy meals in the workplace. These efforts will support the team in re-engaging after the holiday season, acknowledging that health is often a primary New Year resolution for many.”

2. Make evaluation a priority

Following the holiday season, leaders encounter the crucial task of reviving employee motivation amidst pending tasks and disrupted work schedules. To achieve this, leaders should conduct a comprehensive evaluation of both individual and team aspirations, considering the holiday's impact on employee mindsets and priorities. When realigning objectives, understanding the consequences and expected outcomes becomes a crucial consideration for any team manager or leader.

The Chief People Officer at Compass Group India shared how their company's leaders employ open and transparent communication to articulate a vision that resonates with employees' values and professional growth aspirations. "Through periodic town halls, we voice out Compass Group's purpose statement and our key aspirations to our workforce. We also cultivate a supportive work environment, coupled with ongoing feedback mechanisms, to reinforce a positive culture and sustain motivation beyond the holiday season," she shared.

Ultimately, the key lies in aligning a shared sense of purpose and direction that matches employees' intrinsic motivations, fostering renewed enthusiasm for achieving collective goals. "Thus, we have reward and recognition schemes, shout-outs, and appreciation mails by leadership as an ongoing endeavour," she added.

3. Reconstruct a sense of unity

Reestablishing a sense of unity among returning employees is crucial after time away. Employers can kick-start this process by fostering open communication, acknowledging shared experiences from the break, and arranging team-building activities. By highlighting common objectives and reaffirming the significance of teamwork, a refreshed sense of unity can be cultivated, ensuring everyone feels aligned and driven towards shared success.

Manika Awasthi suggested various approaches to achieve this, such as establishing cultural clubs to unite employees with similar interests, enhancing the overall working environment. “Team outings provide a break from the usual routine and help refocus on team dynamics. Regular team meetings with dedicated time for team-building exercises contribute to fostering a positive and supportive team culture. Leaders can incorporate activities that showcase each team member's unique strengths and talents, fostering appreciation and mutual understanding. Ultimately, the aim is to create an environment where team members feel comfortable and motivated to collaborate, strengthening camaraderie and teamwork within the group,” she told People Matters. 

4. Flexible work arrangements

Leadership plays a pivotal role in easing employees' return to work after the holidays, ensuring a healthy work-life balance. Open communication is paramount as leaders engage in discussions to grasp employees' concerns, set feasible expectations, and collaboratively establish achievable goals. Introducing flexible work arrangements allows for a gradual readjustment, lowering the risk of burnout.

"Encouraging strategic use of vacation days provides employees the flexibility to manage workloads and maintain a balance between professional and personal commitments. Modelling a healthy work-life balance is crucial. Leaders should emphasize breaks and setting boundaries. At Compass Group, we've created a dedicated space called 'Zen' for employees to unwind, meditate, and relax. We actively promote participation in ongoing fitness challenges and advocate for health practices. Initiatives like Flash Mobs, regular health camps, and talks by in-house nutritionists aim to equip employees with effective stress management strategies," advised the Chief People Officer at Compass Group India.

5. Individual check-ins by leaders

To assist employees in realigning their goals and priorities after a break, leaders should employ various strategies. Conducting individual check-ins allows for a deeper understanding of each employee's perspective, concerns, and objectives, enabling a personalised support system. Additionally, leaders must articulate a clear team vision and roadmap, highlighting the connection between individual tasks and broader objectives.

"Encouraging open dialogue in team meetings fosters a collaborative environment, enabling employees to share insights, discuss challenges, and suggest ideas. Recognising achievements regularly fosters a positive mindset. Furthermore, leaders offer guidance on prioritisation, helping employees identify crucial tasks and manage their workload effectively. By nurturing a supportive and communicative workplace culture, leaders play a pivotal role in facilitating a seamless return to work and aligning employees with organisational goals," shared Ms. Manika Awasthi, Chief People Officer at Compass Group India.

Happy New Year!! 

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