Article: Great leaders are great followers


Great leaders are great followers

D. Shivakumar, Chairman & CEO – India Region, PepsiCo, talks to Esther Martinez Hernandez on mentorship and more
Great leaders are great followers

An organization cannot give you work-life balance. You have to give yourself that. 
Individuals have to think deeply and decide what matters to them


I believe that the whole concept of changing a culture through mentorship or investing in people down the line cannot happen with just the CEO. It also requires the top 10 per cent of the managers to do it

Q. You have worked across different companies in different industries. What makes a successful company and what are the ingredients of a successful CEO? A. The principles of business are very similar irrespective of the category you are in. The principles of profit, of innovation, of people management, of putting the customer first are all the same.However,the characteristics of an industry are different. For example, the characteristics of a beverage industry will be very different from the characteristics of a Telecom industry. So, while the characteristics of a business might change, the principles remain the same. During my tenure and experience in various companies in India, Middle East and African emerging markets, whenever I went into a company, I just looked at three things: One, Is the company gaining market share? If you are getting market share, then you are doing something better than competition and hence your productivity would be much better. The second thing that I loo...
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