
Collaboration at the core of driving economic growth

According to a report ‘'Talent Mobility Good Practices - Collaboration at the Core of Driving Economic Growth', prepared by The World Economic Forum in collaboration with Mercer; highlights that collaboration in talent mobility among stakeholders on all sides of the employment equation are most effective in addressing labor market failures and enhancing job creation. The report is based on 55 case studies worldwide featuring concrete action that organizations including companies, governments, academic institutions, and non-profit entities have implemented to address talent challenges. The case studies throw up varied solutions, ranging from shaping academic curricula to better meet an industry's talent needs to training under skilled workers for employment.

The report point out that talent markets are impeded by four key problems: widespread unemployability, skills gaps, information gaps and private and public constraints on mobility. These issues are pervasive and daunting with many countries and regions struggling with high unemployment and untapped labor pools, while many industry sectors and employers face talent shortages and skills gaps. The report concludes with recommendations on how individual stakeholders can advance successful collaborative talent mobility practices. Among others these include sharing access to labor market information, using measurement and modeling tools combined with workforce and performance data to estimate the business impact of talent mobility, and developing fact-based cases for multiple stakeholder collaboration.

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