Strategic HR

DNA of talent is unique to each company

In my opinion, one of the errors most organizations commit is to hire services of consultants and also choosing ‘best practices’ from various organizations and appending to their companies. When we talk about the DNA of talent, we should also realize that it’s unique to each company. It can be compared to the working of the human body where each body type has different needs and requirements and a different metabolism rate. Similarly, organizations need to understand the DNA inherited from its forefathers. Like the human system, some DNA will be omnipresent like work ethics, culture, et al. The real challenge will be to identify these and view which will be relevant today and in the future and then choose the missing ones to be developed for the future. This is a painstaking work and will take years to achieve, just like nobody has ever succeeded in choosing an exercise regimen and see it give result the next week! 

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