Employee Relations

Why India Inc must evolve its work culture

The rise of job insecurities and work uncertainties has prompted companies to reassess and transform their workplace cultures. In response to the fast-changing business environment and evolving employee needs, companies are actively adapting. A Deloitte study reveals that 94% of executives and 88% of employees recognise the crucial role of corporate culture in a company's success. Notably, 76% of surveyed workers emphasise the direct impact of a well-defined business strategy on fostering a positive culture.

Amid India's rapid growth as a leading startup hub, fostering qualities such as agility, innovation-first approach, and resilience among employees has become imperative. Achieving this goal requires meticulous cultivation and implementation of a robust organisational culture.

The pandemic's impact has prompted us to reconsider our priorities and redefine happiness metrics while prioritising mental well-being. This paradigm shift has extended to corporate lives, with employees seeking a better work-life balance. In fact, job seekers today prioritise a safe, inclusive, and flexible work environment when considering potential opportunities.

The significance of corporate culture in the job market is evident, as revealed by a Glassdoor survey where 77% of respondents considered a company's culture before pursuing employment. Additionally, 56% of participants emphasised that a positive workplace culture was more crucial to their job satisfaction than pay.

Today's employee value proposition encompasses various strategies, including articulating a compelling vision and mission to foster strategic risk-taking and employee decision-making. Addressing collaboration and communication challenges, facilitating agile feedback processes, and setting smart goals to promote adaptability within the organisation are also integral components of the value proposition.

Moreover, the proposition emphasises the importance of exercising empathetic behaviour and prioritising the well-being of employees. Companies must also introduce gender neutral policies to establish a sense of respect and understanding between peers and employers. By implementing these strategies, companies can create an appealing and supportive environment for their workforce. The quick development of technology has further prompted a rise in automation and the incorporation of artificial intelligence into a variety of job roles. While these developments have opened up new opportunities for efficiency and innovation, they have also made workers fearful about their future employment and job security. At this juncture, organisations must exercise open and inclusive communication channels, offer opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, and promote a culture of adaptability and ongoing learning. 

Employee work culture, which is inextricably linked to human nature, must be modified and redesigned on a regular basis to align with the company's requirements and the well-being of its workforce. For this to happen effectively, companies will need to be agile, resilient and cognisant of the fruits that active listening does bring in. Therefore, in this ever-changing landscape where human emotions are constantly changing, HR leaders around the world must treat their culture canvas as a blank slate, ready to be painted over and over again.

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