Employment Landscape

How to transform Gen Z into your most valuable asset

In the ever-evolving landscape of the work, organisations find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with the intricacies of managing both their experienced, ageing employees and the fresh, dynamic Gen Z workforce. As companies strive to adapt to this new generation, it becomes essential to understand the best approaches to effectively integrate and engage with Gen Z. 

Every new generation brings its unique challenges and strengths, but the ultimate key to ensuring employee satisfaction lies in treating each individual with respect and care. This responsibility rests firmly on the shoulders of leaders, tasked with shaping the ethics and culture of their companies.

To provide guidance on harnessing the potential of this emerging generation, we had an enlightening conversation with Alok Kumar, Senior Director of Manpower at ManpowerGroup India. In this exclusive conversation, he shares invaluable insights into the best practices and strategies for effectively managing and engaging with Gen Z in the modern workplace. By embracing these insights, companies can position themselves to thrive in a workforce that is continually evolving and diversifying.

Gen Z: What sets them apart?

Generation Z, or Gen Z, is the term used to describe the cohort of individuals born between 1995 and 2010. What sets them apart from previous generations is primarily shaped by the era in which they've come of age and their unique experiences.

One of the defining features of Gen Z is that they are true digital natives. They were born and raised in a world where the internet, smartphones, and social media were ubiquitous. This has made them highly tech-savvy and comfortable with digital platforms and technologies, often using them as their primary means of communication and information access.

They exhibits a strong desire for self-reliance and independence and are more inclined towards entrepreneurship, side hustles, and participation in the gig economy. This generation values creative and flexible work opportunities, often seeking ways to take control of their financial destinies, explained Alok Kumar. 

However, their journey into adulthood has been marked by unique economic challenges. Many Gen Z individuals have grappled with issues like substantial student loan debt and the difficulties of entering the job market during the Great Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic. These experiences have shaped their attitudes toward finances and work, making them pragmatic and cautious in their approach to economic stability.

“Growing up in a fast-paced, information-saturated world, Gen Z often has shorter attention spans. They are accustomed to quick and concise information consumption, which has led to the rise of platforms like TikTok, where content, is deliberately brief and engaging. This generation seeks information in easily digestible formats,” said Mr Kumar. 

“It's essential to recognise that while these characteristics are commonly associated with Gen Z, there is considerable diversity within the generation. Not every Gen Z individual will exhibit all of these traits, and individual experiences and values can vary significantly. Gen Z is a dynamic and evolving generation, heavily influenced by the rapidly changing technological landscape and the unique societal challenges they have faced,” he added. 

Gen Z in the workplace: Challenges and opportunities

When exploring the primary challenges and opportunities that Gen Z faces in the workplace, it's important to acknowledge that individual experiences within a generation can vary. However, the Sr Director of Manpower, ManpowerGroup India, emphasised on certain common themes and trends. 


1. Job market competition: Gen Z has entered the job market during times of economic instability, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical uncertainties. This has led to intense competition for jobs, making it more challenging to secure employment.

2. Mental health and wellbeing: The shift to remote work and the pressure to meet professional expectations can strain the mental health and wellbeing of Gen Z employees. The absence of a physical office environment and long working hours in the early stages of their careers may contribute to these challenges.

3. Tech addiction and distraction: As a generation raised in the digital age, Gen Z individuals are more prone to tech-related distractions, including gaming and social media. This can affect their focus and productivity in the workplace.

4. Job insecurity: The rise of gig economy jobs and automation has created job insecurity for Gen Z. To remain employable, they must continuously upskill and adapt to evolving industry demands.

5. Work-life balance: Gen Z places a high value on work-life balance and may be less willing to accept traditional workaholic cultures. Balancing professional and personal life can be particularly challenging in industries that demand long working hours.


1. Tech skills: Gen Z's proficiency in technology positions them to leverage it for personal and workplace benefits. They can offer fresh insights on how to use technology for business growth.

2. Diverse perspectives: Gen Z's embrace of diversity and inclusion can foster radical thinking and innovative ideas, enhancing creativity within teams.

3. Learning agility: Growing up in an era of online learning, Gen Z is receptive to continuous skill development through digital platforms, making them adaptable and quick learners.

4. Networking: Gen Z's strong online presence, including social media and online communities, can be harnessed for networking and business development, facilitating connections and collaboration.

5. Entrepreneurial skills: Many Gen Z individuals possess an entrepreneurial mindset, which can benefit employers by fostering innovation and creative problem-solving.

6. Adaptability: Having experienced a rapidly changing world, Gen Z is often more open to new ideas and ways of working, making them valuable in industries undergoing transformation.

“While Gen Z faces specific workplace challenges, they also bring a host of opportunities to the table, including technological proficiency, diverse perspectives, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Employers who understand and support the unique characteristics of this generation can capitalize on their strengths and help them overcome the associated challenges,” stated Alok Kumar. 

How to attract, retain, and motivate Gen Z? 

It's essential to recognise their unique characteristics, values, and expectations. Gen Z brings a distinct set of preferences and needs to the workplace. Alok Kumar shared a few tips for employers and managers to improve their proficiency in effectively managing and engaging this generation: 

1. Offer flexible work arrangements: Gen Z highly values work-life balance. Providing options such as remote work, flexible hours, and the ability to work from various locations can be attractive to this generation, enabling them to adapt to changing circumstances.

2. Emphasise learning and growth: Gen Z is inherently competitive and entrepreneurial. They are committed to both professional and personal growth. Employers should offer opportunities for continuous learning, mentorship, and skill development to keep them engaged and motivated.

3. Promote open communication: Gen Z appreciates open and transparent communication channels. Create an environment where feedback is readily available, and involve them in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of inclusion.

4. Provide purpose and meaning: Gen Z is motivated by purpose. They seek work that aligns with their values and contributes to a larger mission. Employers should clearly communicate the company's mission and how each employee's role directly contributes to that mission.

5. Recognition and feedback: Gen Z is accustomed to instant gratification, and they value recognition for their efforts. Implement a system of regular feedback and acknowledge achievements, both big and small. Consider using gamification or rewards programs to maintain motivation.

6. Recognise individuality: It's crucial to remember that Gen Z is not a uniform group, and their interests and motivations can vary widely. Take the time to get to know each Gen Z employee as an individual and tailor your approach to meet their unique needs and goals.

7. Encourage entrepreneurial thinking: Gen Z often possesses an entrepreneurial mindset. Encourage them to take ownership of projects, innovate, and provide opportunities for intrapreneurship within the organisation. This can tap into their creative problem-solving and initiative.

By embracing these strategies, employers and managers can effectively attract, retain, and motivate Gen Z employees, creating a dynamic and engaging workplace that aligns with their values and aspirations, believes the Sr Director of Manpower, ManpowerGroup India. 

Diversity and inclusion: A win-win strategy for Gen Z

Fostering a diverse and inclusive work culture that places value on the input and feedback of Gen Z can yield numerous advantages, making the organisation more dynamic, innovative, and socially responsible. Being the youngest generation in the workforce, Gen Z brings distinctive perspectives and preferences, and embracing this diversity can have several benefits, says Alok Kumar, Sr Director of Manpower, ManpowerGroup India. Here are some of them: 

1. Innovation: Gen Z is renowned for its technological proficiency and creative thinking. Leveraging their skills and ideas can help organizations adapt to evolving market demands and maintain competitiveness.

2. Market relevance: Understanding the preferences and values of Gen Z is vital for many brands. Involving Gen Z employees in decision-making processes can lead to products and services that better meet the needs of this generation, enhancing market relevance.

3. Enhanced creativity: Inclusive environments foster open dialogue and the sharing of ideas. Gen Z employees are more likely to contribute creative solutions when they feel their opinions are valued, resulting in more imaginative and forward-thinking outcomes.

4. Increased productivity: An inclusive work environment promotes a positive atmosphere where people are more likely to perform at their best when they feel valued and respected. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity.

5. Attracting the best talent: Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion become more attractive to a wide range of talent, including Gen Z. When an organization is known for valuing the input of this generation, it stands out in the competitive job market, attracting top talent.

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