Strategic HR

From competency to capability: Pankaj Bansal

There were two major interventions that we introduced in order to manage this mindset change of the workforce with the entry of the millennial. One is the introduction of the collaboration aspect through various events and video connects. Earlier we had the QSQT – ‘Quarter Se Quarter Tak’ initiative that allowed business heads, managers and CEO to connect and showcase their business results, leading to the best performer being awarded. However, recently the feedback from employees showed that employees today no more saw value in that format and seek a more a collaboration platform. Employees wanted a simultaneous interface that enabled employees to enjoy all aspects of his/her job at one location. And this led to moving away from using ‘Soham’, the company intranet. The expectations of the new workforce led to PeopleStrong moving out of the intranet and adopting a collaboration tool approach as a solution. The new interface allows a direct connect with the employees’ LinkedIn and therefore, any R&R announcement is automatically shared with a much larger community.

Another change is the decision to divide the entire workforce into work levels instead of designations. We realized that while promotions are liked by all, the new workforce is more concerned about enhancing the real growth in their career. Thus, today PeopleStrong has only 5 levels of work; level 1 - individual contributors; level 2 – leads/managers; level 3 – department heads or practice heads; level 4 – CXOs and level 5 – the CEO. In this system, unless an employee shifts in these levels, there is no promotion. We did a capability assessment instead of a competency assessment model to focus on the capability and capability development of an individual at a certain level considering the employee’s role will become more complex in the next 3 years. Making that move from competency to capability assessment is a change.

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