
Learn something new everyday: Rapid Fire with Simplilearn’s Krishna Kumar


One big skill-related challenge

The biggest challenge is that the majority of professionals have not taken lifelong learning habit as seriously as they should. 

One technology/innovation that will change the future of learning

On-demand live mentoring. When someone needs help from an expert and they get it right at the moment!

One step employers should take on Re-skilling/Upskilling

Align employee's individual learning goal with their personal ambitions. 

One tip to create a great learning culture

Celebrate learning. The day your internal learning lead promotions outnumber external hires, you built a great learning culture. 

One advice for leaders to drive the learning agenda in their organization

Focus on building "pull" based learning culture. Pushing learning might not work

Best book on Skilling 

Yet to be written 

One expert, you follow on Skilling & Learning

Josh Bersin

Your Learning Mantra

Learn something new every day.

Tell us about a time you failed and how you handled it

I failed multiple times and learnt something new every time. I never accepted myself as a failure but as a learner.

How do you make decisions when you don’t have all the necessary information?

For an entrepreneur, this is business as usual. I always rely on gut feeling, even when there is all the information. 

Who is your aspirational leader

My all-time favourite is Steve Jobs. His clarity of thought and innovation was unparalleled.

Any specific skill you want to learn in the coming days

I am learning to be more patient.

Best career advice you have ever gotten

Do what you love!

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