Talent Management

Video: Tech Mahindra's Harshvendra Soin on talent pipeline and emerging talent trends

Whether it is planning for the short term or long term, companies navigating a hybrid workforce will need to build the workforce they need. This means being able to develop an understanding of the shifts in the workforce and workforce planning, new roles and responsibilities as well as shelving of out-dated jobs. 

According to research by Gartner, role-based planning puts strategy execution at risk. Legacy HR talent planning approaches have excessively focused on jobs, not skills. But that needs to change – by continuous review, sharing data, skill analysis and building talent pipelines.

In conversation with:

Harshvendra Soin, Global Chief People Officer & Head Marketing, Tech Mahindra

Hardeep Singh, Head - HCM Applications Strategy, Oracle India

Yasmin Taj, Senior Editor, People Matters


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