Learning & Development

Strategising skills transformation for impact: A Dipstick Study

To excel in today's dynamic workplace, you must take proactive steps to prepare for the future. This involves embracing AI, fostering strategic alliances, and aligning skill development with your overall business strategy.

In a rapidly evolving global landscape where AI-driven innovation is reshaping industries, it's evident that many organisations are not adequately prepared for the imminent skills revolution. Consider these statistics:

  • Only 3% of organisations believe they are extremely well-prepared for the forthcoming AI-driven skills revolution.
  • While 86% of organisations engage with strategic partners, only 22% do so extensively.
  • Among various learning modalities, 'On-the-job' training is the most widely embraced, according to 62% of organizations.

Our Dipstick Study provides valuable insights, including:

  • Data-driven assessments of the current state of learning and key challenges and opportunities facing businesses today.
  • A clear understanding of the pivotal role of strategic partnerships in driving skills transformation.
  • Identification of the most prominent gaps in learning modalities and strategies to bridge them.
  • An exploration of AI's role in accelerating learning and skills transformation.

Are you ready to gain these insights? Fill out the form and you'll receive the study in your inbox.

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