Article: Top 12 trends: Skilling people - Avinash Vashistha


Top 12 trends: Skilling people - Avinash Vashistha

Avinash Vashistha - Chairman & Managing Director, Accenture India

When I look at trends for 2012, clearly talent shortage is going to be a big challenge again next year. We have been investing a lot on skilling people not only for our organization but for the industry and the Nation. Such initiatives will not only continue but will increase in 2012. At Accenture, we have a program called “Skills to Succeed” that aims at building the skills required for employability.

From the business perspective, looking at our clients, they are either trying to solve a business problem or they are trying to capture a market opportunity. In either case it means there is a transformation required.

New perspective for 2012, will be focus on the business outcome that we deliver to the clients; what it means is that we will not only support our clients in designing and implementing talent processes but we will also develop the skills required to sustain the process and provide technology and tools to deliver information and insight for our clients to be competitive in the marketplace.

The investment in talent and talent related process will continue to be a priority and should not see an impact. However, these are times with greater uncertainty, given what is happening globally and right here in India.
Businesses will be prudent and look at innovative ways to navigate through market challenges and capture growth opportunities.

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Topics: Skilling, C-Suite

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