The state(s) of executive compensatIon
A look at the realities and underlying business factors faced by industries while structuring the executive compensation

A look at the realities and underlying business factors faced by industries while structuring the executive compensation
The outcomes of the LokSabha elections in India are usually driven by issues that are of national importance, but Assembly Elections are all about challenges and realities that are at a state or local level. Executive Compensation has similar characteristics to show. While at an overall India Inc. level, there are broader debates around pay governance, increasing the gap between compensation of the CEO and the average employee, the questions or issues are very unique at each industry level. The article is aimed at highlighting some of the key executive pay characteristics in the major industries.In some ways our take on the “different state(s)” of executive compensation!
The intent of this article is not so much to delve into the quantum of pay which is available through public data and surveys but to understand the realities faced by each industry...