Article: Support the campaign to create level playing field at work


Support the campaign to create level playing field at work

This campaign is all creating level playing field at workplace, and if you believe in this idea, irrespective of your gender, then come and join us to salute the spirit of the working woman
Support the campaign to create level playing field at work

Power Woman – doesn’t mean having control over men. It means having the freedom that she is supposed to have in a progressive society. Freedom of expression, freedom to work on her own terms, freedom to say ‘NO’ to things, freedom to say ‘Yes, I can!’, freedom to choose the kind of life she wants and mostly freedom to be just herself. International Women’s Day is one such day dedicated to salute the spirit of woman who surpasses any difficulty those she encounters– at home, at workplace, at markets, on roads – everywhere. Gender parity is something all the corporates, and all of us – educated, knowledgeable, intellectual people – men and women – want. You can see the attitudinal changes in men with regard to women who work. There are more cooperation from the menfolk than we saw them doing before. The tectonic shift is going on. But we need more. 

Add a Twibbon on your Facebook and Twitter profile pictures to create level playing fields at workplaces. 


Support Power Woman at Work

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This campaign by People Matters is about saluting women who do any sort of work – be it your mother who work relentlessly at home or in office from morning till night, your women office colleagues whose personal struggles only you know about, , your women friends with which you gossip and laugh your heart’s content because they make you feel special , your domestic help at home without whom you cannot function – let the world know that you understand and empathise with them.

This campaign is all about that – creating level playing field at workplace, and if you believe in this irrespective of your gender, then come and join us to salute the spirit of the working woman.

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Topics: Diversity, #PowerWomen

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