Article: How to maintain a harmonious workplace atmosphere in multigenerational firms


How to maintain a harmonious workplace atmosphere in multigenerational firms

The HR Head at Ajmera Realty and Infra India Ltd emphasised that HR can foster communication and understanding across age groups by promoting empathy and respect, ultimately creating a harmonious and productive workplace for all, regardless of age.
How to maintain a harmonious workplace atmosphere in multigenerational firms

In the contemporary landscape of global economies, one undeniable truth prevails – the workforce is aging. As a result, companies are increasingly recognising the value of harnessing talents spanning a wide spectrum of ages and experiences. This practice not only contributes to economic growth but also plays a pivotal role in fostering a more progressive and contented nation. However, maintaining a harmonious and productive multigenerational work environment poses a considerable challenge, demanding the implementation of effective measures.

To address this challenge, human resources professionals must proactively engage in policy development. Drawing inspiration from best practices in other organisations and seeking advice from industry experts are crucial steps in this process. In essence, preserving a friendly and positive culture within multigenerational companies stands as an imperative. This involves treating every individual with respect and acknowledging the diverse perspectives and work styles that emerge from the array of generational differences.

To gain deeper insights into the promotion of open communication and collaboration across varying age groups, People Matters reached out to Ms Shweta Rathor, the HR Head at Ajmera Realty and Infra India Ltd. In her discussion, she shared strategies for creating a sense of unity and a shared purpose within the workplace, ensuring that every member of the multigenerational workforce feels valued and included.

Embrace diversity and strategic transparency

To foster open communication in a multi-generational workforce, it's important to create a safe and inclusive environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Encourage active listening and respectful dialogue and avoid making assumptions based on age or generational stereotypes. Regular team meetings and one-on-one check-ins can also help facilitate communication and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Additionally, it's important to provide professional development and growth opportunities, regardless of age or experience level. Multigenerational companies can achieve their goals and thrive by crafting an inclusive and supportive environment. The effective management of a multigenerational workforce is a collaborative effort that involves all departments, with HR playing an essential role in promoting a welcoming and inclusive culture. To promote collaboration amongst departments, it is important to first understand the unique strengths and perspectives each department brings to the table. “By organising cross-functional team-building activities and training programs that promote understanding and respect, departments can work together more effectively towards common goals,” suggested Shweta Rathor. 

“When it comes to hiring and training a multigenerational workforce, it is important to keep in mind that each generation brings unique strengths and experiences to the table. As a result, it is crucial to ensure that all hiring and promotion practices are fair and unbiased, considering the diverse perspectives and skill sets of each generation. In addition, organising team-building activities and training programs that promote empathy and respect can go a long way in facilitating communication and understanding among different age groups,” she added. 

Encourage cross-generational mentorship 

Establishing a cohesive and productive team is a task that can be made more challenging when team members come from different generations. However, this situation also presents an excellent opportunity for creating a dynamic and diverse workplace. The key to achieving this goal is to focus on shared goals and values that everyone in the team can rally around, regardless of their age or background. In addition to this, it is essential to encourage open communication and mutual respect between team members. This approach can help build a positive team dynamic, where different perspectives are valued and heard. “Celebrating successes and milestones together is also a great way to foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among team members. Finally, it's important to embrace the unique strengths and perspectives of each team member fully. By doing so, organisations can create a truly inclusive and effective team that benefits from the diverse talents and experiences of all its members,” said the HR Head at Ajmera Realty and Infra India Ltd. 

She further advised that, “It is crucial for HR to ensure that all hiring, and promotion practices are fair and unbiased, considering the unique strengths and experiences that each generation brings to the table. Moreover, HR can take the lead in facilitating communication and understanding among different age groups by promoting empathy and respect. Ultimately, by prioritising the well-being and professional growth of all employees, irrespective of their age, HR can help create a harmonious and productive workplace environment for everyone.” 

Promote work-life integration and balance

Ensuring the well-being of a multigenerational workforce is crucial for any organisation. HR can play a key role in this by implementing policies and programs that cater to the unique needs and preferences of different generations. For instance, offering flexible work arrangements, mentoring programs, and personalised professional development opportunities can help employees of all ages feel valued and supported. Additionally, providing access to resources and benefits that address specific health and wellness concerns can help ensure that employees stay healthy and productive throughout their careers. 

“By prioritising the well-being of all employees, regardless of age or background, organisations can create a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment that promotes work-life balance. Creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is essential for fostering a positive and productive work environment. By actively promoting diversity and inclusivity through hiring practices, training programs, and company culture, we can attract and retain a wide range of talent and perspectives. It's important to address unconscious bias and create policies and procedures that promote fairness and equity for all employees. Regularly checking in and soliciting feedback from employees can also help ensure that the workplace is truly inclusive and supportive of all team members,” Ms Rathor told People Matters. 

Encourage leaders-employee engagements

Leadership-employee engagement is a cornerstone of success as it fosters a sense of unity, shared purpose, and trust within the organisation. In addition to the valuable points mentioned earlier, Ms Shweta Rathor shared some more strategies and insights to further enhance these engagement sessions:

A) Encourage feedback: Communication should be a two-way street. Encourage employees to provide feedback and suggestions during these sessions. Leaders should be encouraged to actively listen to concerns and ideas, demonstrating their commitment to involving everyone in the decision-making process. This approach builds trust and reinforces the belief that every voice matters.

B) Storytelling: There are often compelling stories that capture the company's journey, challenges, and successes. Leaders can use these stories to inspire and connect with employees on a deeper level. Sharing the company's history and the personal experiences of leadership can create a stronger emotional bond and a deeper sense of belonging.

C) Employee-led initiatives: Encourage employees to take the lead on initiatives and projects that align with the company's goals. By doing so, they not only develop a sense of ownership but also gain leadership experience, which can be invaluable for both their personal growth and the organisation's success.

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Topics: Diversity, Leadership, Strategic HR, #HRTech, #HRCommunity

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