Do you 'follow' the crowd?: Nandita Gurjar

The key featuresof social media arereal time interaction,collaboration andknowledge sharing
An organization’s success is largely determined by the combined knowledge of its employees. Our enterprise networking platform ‘InfyBubble’, helps our employees connect and have meaningful work and social discussions. This is likely to positively impact productivity on the job, job satisfaction as well as retention. The platform allows using “crowdsourcing” and reaping benefits of the wide talent of employees. It aims to encourage social and professional networking, globally amongst Infoscions. The key features of social media are real time interaction, collaboration and knowledge sharing, and we ensure that every communication platform at Infosys has these features integrated.
InfyBubble merges the line between synchronous and asynchronous communication. As soon as an employee joins Infosys, he or she is part of the new joinee group on InfyBubble by default. This group answers all questions related to Infosys, the culture, the city, finance related and anything under the sun. In addition to this, the employee is a part of a group that includes all team members. Features such as ‘like’, ‘rate’ and ‘comment’, provide instant feedback to people on how their friends, peers and the organization in general, are appreciating or reacting to their views on various topics. As employees grow in the organization, they get a chance to discuss their careers on InfyBubble with peers and managers across verticals and geographies. The ‘follow’ feature allows employees to stay updated with thoughts and opinions of senior leaders and mentors across the organization, as well as provide them the opportunity to ask questions.