Article: Reasons you must join People Matters EX India 2022

Employee Engagement

Reasons you must join People Matters EX India 2022

Here’s what makes People Matters EX India 2022 a one-of-a-kind employee experience conference and why you must attend it.
Reasons you must join People Matters EX India 2022

In light of this tumultuous year, we've had to adapt our offerings to suit the needs of the times. 

This year's People Matters EX India 2022 will be dedicated to the great power shift shaping the future of work.

As we move forward into 2022, businesses are focused on how they can support their employees through a time when in-person connections are at an all-time low, and the workforce is more fragmented than ever before.

Companies want to know how to create an environment that prioritises employee safety without compromising business needs and efficiency.

In other words, we are all trying to figure out how they can use technology to better engage their employees without losing the human touch. 

How can we create a unified workforce experience in a world where disparate technologies and communication channels are now the norms and employees are in the driving seat?

Companies can be profit-seeking AND people-eccentric 

As we emerge from the pandemic and venture back into our offices, communities and neighbourhoods, I would like to challenge you to think about how your organisation can benefit others. 

It is my belief that companies can be both profit-seeking and people-centric. 

I am a firm believer in "people-centred capitalism" – doing what is right for individuals, communities and society as well as being profitable.  If a company treats its employees or customers poorly or does not contribute to society, it will only hurt itself in the long run.

Creating a great company culture for employees and customers alike doesn't have to be at odds with making money. 

In fact, it may very well be a more sustainable strategy. 

Companies are realising that taking care of their people also takes care of their bottom line—and many leaders are actively looking for new ways to create a pursuit of happiness in their offices and workspaces. 

If your company wants to create a dynamic, engaged workplace that encourages team members to feel like they're part of something special, attending the People Matters EX India 2022 Conference is essential.

Why should you attend this conference?

The Employee Experience Conference hosted by People Matters is a great opportunity to learn from other professionals, share your own experience, and bring new insights into your organisation. 

The discussions that unfold at the hybrid conference on 26th April, 2022 will help you stay on top of the latest trends in the industry and give you the tools you need to create exceptional experiences for your employees.

Here are some reasons why you should participate:

  • You'll be able to meet other HR professionals and learn about their experiences in the field. 

  • You'll also have access to networking opportunities with leading companies that are hiring right now! Get hired or get hired faster with our job fair at the conference!

  • You will learn how to make your employees feel valued and appreciated by improving their work environment. Discover what it takes for them to thrive in today's competitive workplace environment.

  • You will be brought up to speed with new developments that affect employee experience.

  • You will have insights into how HR leaders are using analytics, big data and technology innovation to transform their workplaces. Learn more about these topics during keynote presentations given by industry experts!

  • You will learn how to rethink the onboarding process and adapt your exit and retention strategy. As the world slowly recovers and as companies strive to regain their financial footing, organisations will face an uphill climb when it comes to hiring.

  • If you want to keep your targets, you are going to have to continue learning. This is an age of continuous transformation where learning and development are regarded as strategic investments rather than simple costs that can be trimmed. Learn about how to focus on reskilling and upskilling in 2022.

To conclude:

At first glance, employee experience (EX) can seem intimidating. Often it's described as "the whole person experience" and ties together several seemingly different trends, from mindfulness to gamification. 

But the core question for any organisation is this: How do I create an EX that my employees will love? In today's world, where so much seems out of our control, we need to provide an EX worth talking about.

Explore the answers at People Matters EX India 2022 on 26th April at Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore or your laptop/desktop screens. Click here to know more. 

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Topics: Employee Engagement, #PMEXIN

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