The talent challenge will always remain: IndiGo's Sukhjit Pasricha

Sukhjit Pasricha, VP-HR at IndiGo on the possible talent crunch and how IndiGo is geared up to handle that
Sukhjit Pasricha, VP-HR at Indigo on the possible talent crunch and how IndiGo is geared up to handle that
In aviation, opportunities are aplenty. In more than 100 years of civil aviation in India, never has our country experienced such growth as in the past 10 years. The talent challenge will always remain. There will always be opportunities inside as well as outside of IndiGo. At present, IndiGo has about 7,000 employees. One question that our President Mr Ghosh asks every potential candidate is his/her personal dream. Each day one spends working with IndiGo should bring him/her a step closer to that dream. We aim to be better today than we were yesterday.
Being hassle free is one of the three core things that we stand for, not just in customer service but for all internal customers as well. First of all, we are constantly hiring new people at IndiGo whether they are experienced or not. We have an internal job posting policy, which means that any new job opportunities are first available for internal employees to apply for without having to seek permission of their supervisors. We have had a lot of cross functional movements. Our HR policies revolve around three pillars – Respect, reward and recognition.
IndiGo has pioneered some people practices in the industry and will continue to do so. One such example is the uniquely designed Pilot Benevolent Scheme for the welfare of the pilots. This scheme helps pilots and their families during tough situations like the loss of licence arising out of medical reasons or death.
Salaries are market driven and we are geared up towards providing compensation commensurate to the market. We are an airline that has year-on-year given promotions, increments, incentives, bonuses and created job opportunities every year. We have never had a year of retrenchment, never had a year of salary freeze and never had a year of pay cut.