Focus on aligning top teams - Learning and considerations
Companies are increasingly recognizing top team alignment as an area of focus and concrete action as a wide variety of contextual, personality and interpersonal nuances are visible in the top teams

Aligning top teams is really a critical part of the top wo/man’s job. This by itself can provide the single most significant leverage towards building a sustainable successful organization.
We are often called in with a wide variety of briefs and scope of work with respect to aligning top teams. Very often the issues expressed by the clients appear the same on the surface. But as you dig deeper through a formal or informal diagnosis, a wide variety of contextual, personality and interpersonal nuances are visible, differing from each top team to the other.
Looking at the data over the last 6 years, broadly there are three kinds of interventions which are asked for and are also found useful.
Type 1 interventions are relatively more cognitive in nature and closer to strategy work than teamwork. For purposes of this piece of writing, the consideration set is 14 companies where we have been involved in top team alignment work over the last 12 months or so. These companies rang...