Article: Adecco gives you the chance to become Group CEO for one month


Adecco gives you the chance to become Group CEO for one month

The goal is to support talented youngsters in their career prospects by providing valuable work based training to boost their employability.
Adecco gives you the chance to become Group CEO for one month

Want to become a CEO? Then this might interest you. Adecco Group, the world’s leading provider of HR solutions, is giving India’s entrepreneurial and ambitious youngsters the chance to become CEO for One Month alongside the Adecco top management in their home countries. The goal is to support talented youngsters in their career prospects by providing valuable work based training to boost their employability. That includes one month internships alongside Adecco Country Managers in India, letting youngsters learn on the job, gain insights and inspiration for their eventual professional choices, as well as adding a unique experience to make their CVs really stand out.

One of the country CEO for One Month have the once in a lifetime chance to become Adecco Group CEO for One Month alongside Group CEO Alain Dehaze, further enhancing their training with international exposure and a global outlook. The position includes a rewarding salary to sustain the successful youngster’s further education and development.

Online applications are open from March 1st to April 15th. By June this year, the selected youngster will be on the job. Adecco devised this tool to engage youngsters from the early stage since a striking shortage of talent across the world is hindering economic development and prosperity. Data shows around 73 million youngsters are unemployed in the world today - almost as much as the population of Germany. 

Alain Dehaze, Adecco Group CEO commented: “Our future depends on the skills, confidence and experience of today’s youngsters. It’s a shared responsibility to help them build their careers through training, guidance and opportunities. This is what CEO for One Month is about. Youngsters will challenge themselves, gain hands on experience alongside Adecco’s top management, and get a taste of how to run a global company. I look forward to welcoming the INDIA CEOs for One Month, receiving these Millennials’ insights and helping them to build their way to work”. 

CEO for One Month has proved its ability to boost youngsters’ employability and opportunities. Paola Ospina from Colombia, Adecco Group CEO for One Month 2014 progressed to a career in marketing at Adecco USA in Florida. Ayumi Kunori, the successful candidate for 2015, works part time for Adecco in Japan while completing her studies. And Ernesto Lamaina and Dick Boreel, two CEO for One Month finalists of 2015, were both hired at Adecco headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. 

“CEO for One Month 2015 was a revelation “, said Ayumi Kunori. “I wasn’t the best at school and wasn’t sure about applying. But once I did, I put all my commitment and passion into it. The experience was of immense value. I recommend youngsters everywhere to challenge themselves and try. The worst is that you won’t be chosen, at least this time. But everything you’ll learn will prepare you better for the next opportunity and for life ahead”.  

Angelo Lo Vecchio, Country Manager & Managing Director, Adecco India said, “I am very proud that this excellent global initiative is being launched in India this year for the first time. I feel it is a huge step towards our vision of empowering youngsters with the skills and experience necessary to shape their future. The CEO for One Month project aims at encouraging thousands of young people to pursue their professional ambitions with strong determination and passion to foster their dreams. I am firmly convinced that by giving wings to the ambitions of these young people we can transform their dreams into reality. In this program the young and aspiring people go through focused mentorship and coaching directly under the leadership of the country manager and, if further selected to be the Group CEO for 1 Month then directly under the leadership of Adecco Group’s CEO. This is one of its kind and dream opportunity for our young and dynamic future leaders. I look forward to meeting many aspiring leaders in the next one month to select our CEO for One Month in India”

CEO for One Month was launched in Norway in 2011. In 2014, it became an international Adecco initiative, including one Global CEO for One Month position working with the Group CEO. In 2015, there were more than 18,000 applicants from around the world.                                                                               



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