Article: 5 types of MANAGERS every business needs for success


5 types of MANAGERS every business needs for success

Achieving lasting success demands a diverse team of managers, including those who are creative, compassionate, and strategic planners. Incorporating individuals with these varied management styles creates a dynamic leadership structure, strategically positioning the company for long-term success.
5 types of MANAGERS every business needs for success

The cornerstone of a prosperous organisation lies in its adeptness at effectively managing its workforce. Businesses, in their pursuit of sustaining employee motivation and ensuring smooth operations, heavily depend on competent managers for guidance. While there is no universally applicable method for identifying the ideal manager, it is a judicious strategic move to diversify management profiles to cater to varying business needs. 

Therefore, we engaged in a conversation with Mr Sagar Pandey, the Head of Human Relations at Swastika Investmart. With 14 years of expertise in recognising and recruiting top talents in the industry, he shared insights into five essential manager types that companies should consider incorporating into their teams.

1. The Creative wizard

Creativity is crucial in today's changing corporate world. Individuals known for their innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, can turn routine tasks into exceptional opportunities. These managers encourage their employees to think beyond the usual boundaries, utilising their unique abilities. With their flexibility, they navigate unexplored areas effectively, converting challenges into opportunities for growth. Creative wizards, essentially visionaries, approach problem-solving with a distinct perspective. 

According to Sagar Pandey, Head of Human Relations at Swastika Investmart, they actively support their teams in brainstorming, experimentation, and calculated risk-taking. “These managers act as catalysts for innovation in the company, whether in creating new marketing strategies, improving product designs, or finding inventive ways to streamline processes. Their leadership style is marked by a readiness to push limits, adaptability, and an open-minded approach. They foster an environment where employees are encouraged to experiment with new ideas without fearing failure. Integrating Creative Wizards into your managerial team ensures that the company remains at the forefront, ready to adapt to changing market conditions and evolving client needs,” he said. 

2. The office compassionate caretaker

As critical to a business's success as profit margins are, the significance of company culture and employee well-being cannot be understated. The role of the compassionate caretaker in the office, characterised by kindness and understanding, is pivotal. These individuals play a vital part by being consistently available to provide assistance and lend a sympathetic ear, cultivating an inclusive and supportive work environment. The primary objective of compassionate caregivers is to foster strong connections within the company. 

They understand that a contented and motivated workforce leads to heightened productivity and loyalty. Their skill set includes addressing employee concerns, resolving conflicts, and nurturing a culture built on trust and collaboration. These managers excel at instilling a sense of purpose and belonging within their teams. By going above and beyond to ensure employees feel valued and supported, they contribute to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover. Mr Pandey highlighted, "The development of a positive workplace culture relies heavily on the office-compassionate caretaker, directly impacting the company's success."

3. The analytical data whisperer

In the era of big data, making informed decisions is crucial for any organisation. A manager well-versed in data analysis excel at collecting, analysing, and leveraging data to shape strategies and streamline processes. Analytical data whisperers possess the skill to transform unstructured data into insightful knowledge, enabling businesses to make decisions that optimise productivity and revenue. 

The Head of Human Relations at Swastika Investmart noted, "They are adept at utilising various data analytics technologies and possess the ability to identify possibilities, anomalies, and patterns that might elude others." A defining aspect of their leadership style is the emphasis on evidence-based decision-making. Rather than relying solely on intuition, they encourage employees to base decisions on facts and unbiased analysis. 

According to Pandey, appointing Analytical Data Whisperers to the managerial team ensures the company remains competitive by staying abreast of customer preferences and market developments.

4. The Strategic Planner

A meticulously crafted plan to achieve objectives is as crucial to business success as having a clear vision. A manager specialising in the development and implementation of long-term business strategies is commonly referred to as a strategic planner. These individuals excel at establishing precise goals, devising actionable plans, and ensuring the company is on the right trajectory. 

Resource allocation and prioritisation are key skills of strategic planners. They can identify opportunities, anticipate challenges, and formulate a growth strategy for the business. By focusing on long-term sustainability, they ensure the company can navigate through evolving market conditions. 

“These managers possess a strong ability to coordinate the efforts of multiple teams and departments towards a unified objective. Their skills include setting goals, monitoring growth, and making necessary adjustments along the way. When a strategic planner is at the helm, the company is better positioned to capitalise on new opportunities and adapt to market changes,” said Sagar Pandey, 

5. The People Developer

The most valuable asset for any organisation is its workforce. A manager who is dedicated to nurturing talent and facilitating career advancement within the company is committed in helping employees unlock their full potential and contribute significantly to the success of the organisation. People developers personally invest in the professional growth of their team members, providing guidance, coaching, and opportunities for skill development. Employees have the chance to create personalised development plans that not only benefit the company as a whole but also cater to individual strengths and areas for improvement. 

The Head of Human Relations at Swastika Investmart said, “These managers cultivate an environment that supports continuous growth and development, recognising the significance of ongoing education. They excel at identifying and nurturing individuals with strong potential for leadership roles. Integrating people developers into the managerial team is seen as a strategic move to foster a skilled and motivated workforce ready to embrace new challenges and drive the business forward.”  

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Topics: Leadership, Business, #HRTech, #HRCommunity

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