Article: A broad gauge effort! - Agile Leadership


A broad gauge effort! - Agile Leadership

Leadership development has become synonymous with self-development. The new era of work, workers, and the workplace demand a shift from competence to consciousness and from content to context. But are our leaders evolving from having a broader intent and awareness, to exhibiting agile leadership behavior?
A broad gauge effort! - Agile Leadership

"A leader is a dealer in hope"

- Napoleon Bonaparte

We don’t need to be reminded of the fact that we live in a VUCA world. We don’t need to be reminded of the fact that we have all seen organizations transforming and making some fundamental shifts to survive and sustain in the face of unprecedented change, its speed and impact. And we certainly don’t need to be reminded of the fact that for sustained success, organizations need to develop organizational agility that suits the accelerating levels of complexities in the business environment. But while organizations are becoming agile, are our leaders really making the efforts to change themselves to lead in uncertain times? 

Leading and managing are not one-time efforts — these require evolved abilities, and it almost always comes down to the intellectual and emotional capabilities that one needs to possess to navigate the uncharted waters. And this process starts with changing the mind-sets and by adopting agility in thinking, and actions that are focused, fast, and flexible. 

Today, leadership development is not an isolated concept anymore. Leadership development has become synonymous with self-development. The new era of work, workers and the workplace demand a shift from competence to consciousness and from content to context. But while leaders require the competencies to envision the big picture, anticipate trends, and enable their organizations to act with agility and speed, how are organizations creating this shift in leaders and transforming them from traditional to being agile leaders?

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