Article: Trends of 2024: CHRO of Piramal, Manjul Tilak on what will drive the future of work


Trends of 2024: CHRO of Piramal, Manjul Tilak on what will drive the future of work

Manjul Tilak, CHRO at Piramal Enterprises Limited gives us a glimpse into 2024 and the trends that will govern the world of work in the new year.
Trends of 2024: CHRO of Piramal, Manjul Tilak on what will drive the future of work

The year has just begun and the predictions are in about what 2024 will entail when we look at productivity, flexibility, innovation, principles around Gen AI and the next generation workforce. Manjul Tilak, CHRO at Piramal Enterprises Limited, who is set to be a speaker at People Matters TechHR Pulse Mumbai shares his views on the unconventional trends, investment-heavy areas, traits leaders should imbibe, finding inspiration and his vision for 2024 and beyond. This is rapid-fire of the CHRO at one of the leading healthcare brands, who believes the road to the ‘art of the possible’ begins with humbleness. 

Excerpts from the interview:

What’s the unconventional trend set to dominate 2024?

Gen AI without a doubt! Companies like ours are looking at many use cases, which focuses on enhancing employee efficiency, productivity, content and code generation, cyber security, fraud investigation, advisory and the likes. 

Where do you think companies will invest heavily in 2024?

Tech and data clearly! More companies are realising that customer centricity and obsession is the way to be, where tech and data are going to be key enablers. Other than that, ESG agenda that calls for companies to become responsible citizens of the corporate world, DIBA (Diversity, Inclusion, Belongingness and Accessibility) will be in focus. 

With the advancement in tech and Gen AI integration in the workplace, what is one essential principle leaders need to follow?

One thing that leaders in organisations have to be conscious about is that Gen AI doesn’t become a domain of the few. The principle to be followed should be around percolation and pervasiveness, where the use cases of Gen AI come from people on the ground. Which inadvertently means that the people on the ground have an appreciation of Gen AI and what leaders are talking about. 

People Matters TechHR Pulse Mumbai

To lead in this era, what is the one trait integral to leaders?

In this VUCA world, there are a couple of traits one needs to imbibe to lead such as the ability to make sense of the patterns in the environment, building powerful stories around purpose and vision, potential to learn from failures, bounce back and be humble. 

What’s the mantra to live by when the going gets tough?

I try to maintain that sense of balance. While one might not be successful all the time, it is essential to focus on the problem at hand, gather resources, reach out to people who can help you with the solution and finally, try to solve the problem. 

What’s one story that inspires you in times of uncertainty?

The power of humanity during the pandemic! What could be more uncertain than a pandemic but ordinary people stepped up to help those around them, which showed spectacularly how a community can help you wade through a crisis. 

What are the traits you would want the next generation entering the workforce to imbibe?

Hunger and resilience! The new generation has been accused of entitlement. But this is their golden chance as digital natives to exert themselves and get what they want, with organisations looking for innovation. They need to build that level of resilience and always be able to bounce back. 

What should firms change to boost productivity of the workforce?

The single most important thing is the ease of operation! Organisations need to focus on this area in the form of digitised work flows, collaborative work flows and streamlined hand-offs, that sometimes get neglected. Leaders need to give employees the opportunity to focus on the core job rather than executing what they’ve done. 

A message for emerging leaders starting out in an uncertain world

We need organisations and individuals to possess the capability of making sense, as they tackle the curveballs. This will depend on their ability to read pattens, trends, finding the direction, solution-centric approach, but most importantly resilience and humbleness. I feel humble leaders can keep their ears and eyes open and on the ground to navigate through the challenges.

How would you summarise your vision for the future of work and leadership in the next decade?

I have an optimistic view of the work that organisation will do to innovate, focus on flexibility, human-centricity and create leaders who are resilient, making sense of the challenges in the environment and be humble at the end of it. If you are humble, your ability to assimilate many aspects taking place around you is always high. 

If you wish to meet or seek advise from Manju Tilak, join us at People Matters TechHR Pulse Mumbai on March 14 at Grand Hyatt, where we bring the pulse of Asia’s largest HR and Work Tech Conference. Register now!

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Topics: Culture, Employment Landscape, Leadership, Technology, #TechHRPulseMumbai, #RapidFire

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