Article: 7 Trick situations at Work and How you can cruise your way out of them


7 Trick situations at Work and How you can cruise your way out of them

Find out if you've been in any of these scenarios and how you can deal with them in the future.
7 Trick situations at Work and How you can cruise your way out of them

You may have landed your dream job but that doesn’t promise you will have a smooth-sailing journey. You will have to deal with all kinds of people. In your interactions, however, remember to not lose your voice. Don’t allow your right to speech go unexercised, especially if you feel you are being wronged or not taken seriously.

Compiled below are seven situations where you ought to hold your fort. You will notice that one common factor when it comes to handling these situations is your tone of voice. It better be polite yet affirmative, like you mean it.  Ok?

#1 When your boss takes credit for work you’ve done

Oh, these credit stealer bosses are a real pain. You can’t just confront them with ‘Hey, idea-and-suggestions hijacker, I know what you did there’. But that doesn’t mean you should play deaf and mute. Without losing your temper, with a calm state of mind have an honest discussion. 

“<Insert name>, I feel you are happy with my work but I also feel let down when you present my suggestions as yours in meetings.’ Having said that you throw the ball in their court. Hear out what they have to say. Whatever their explanation, at least they will come to know that they may be an authority figure but they can steal the limelight. They must give credit where it’s due instead of lying under their teeth to score brownie points with the management. 

If this credit-stealing act happens in your presence then let them finish first and then say: “<insert name>, I agree. Thank you for highlighting my point of view.” As soon as you say so others will know where the idea originated from. You can then go about explaining it. You see there’s a fine line between accusing them and owning the idea. Focus on the latter. 

#2 When you have to give a negative feedback

No matter how hard you try to pacify your colleague you will be met with some resistance and defensive statement if you have to give negative feedback. The best way to ensure things don’t go out of hand is by talking in a reassuring manner. Don’t start negative or belch out your dissatisfaction. Say, “I see you are facing problem in the project you have been assigned. Is there anything I can do to help you?” If you see, you are conveying two things: a) that you are closely observing how they are doing and b) are willing to help them wade through. 

Give them an opportunity to explain themselves. Listen to them and don’t cut them short. As important giving a feedback is so is how you deliver it. 

#3 When your peer becomes your boss

The first thing is to accept the change in your professional equation and see to it that whatever rapport you share outside of work isn’t affected. Acknowledge their achievement and the fact that they would have done something right to go up the hierarchy. By all means, stay away from colleagues who like to gossip and create a rift between you two. Concentrate on your work and continue delivering like you would have under any other manager.

#4 When you have someone who says ‘no’ to everything

Say hello to the naysayer who creates a commotion in a room full of the yes-saying brigade. But before you jump to conclusions how about calling them opinionated so that you don’t completely disregard their presence? When they say no probe them. Ask for explanations. Engage in a healthy debate. For all, you know they may have a different perspective and a valid point. If, however, there’s no substance in their argument then you respond to their objection to facts, not emotions. This will keep the conversation from becoming a personal battleground. 

#5 When you are asked to stay late

If your boss is asking for you to stay back and finish their work while they do their personal work then do what you should be doing: leave. Put your foot down because you aren’t their slave. And, if you have a boss who thinks staying back is a sign you are hardworking then shatter this myth for them. Sit down and have a chat. Tell them you have your own priorities and commitments which need your attention in the after-office hours. You will stay back late on occasions where it is absolutely necessary and not otherwise. 

#6 When you are interrupted during meetings

It is not a good feeling when someone interrupts you when you are talking to a room full of stakeholders. This sudden jerk will cause you to lose your train of thought mid-sentence. Within a second you will get surrounded by a gamut of emotions and end feeling undervalued because someone hijacked your moment. 

Ok, so even though these people can’t quite control their urges to jump the line you can. The next time they try to maneuver the spotlight on them or just trouble you with incessant interruptions, muster up the courage to say, <insert name>, I would love to hear your point of view but once I’ve finished talking. Let’s be fair?”Or, say <Insert name>, I would be happy to respond to your questions after my presentation. The important thing is to say it in a polite yet affirmative tone. That alone should be enough for them to know they are talking out of turn.

#7 When you experience sexual harassment at work

Whether someone is dropping hints that they ‘like you’ or are being outrightly obnoxious and shameless in their conduct (suggestive gestures, remarks, touch, coerced sex), you must know when to tell them to back off.There might be a fear lurking around the corner of your mind but it shouldn’t deter you from raising your voice. For all you know they are cornering you because they see the fear in you. 

Tell them straightaway that if their behavior will have consequences. Don’t yield to empty threats and pressure they try to wrap you in. If despite your warning they continue with their unwelcome behavior, escalate the matter.

Tell us if you’ve been in any of these situations and how you got out of it. It could be helpful to your peers and open grounds for discussions and debates. 


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