Article: Creating happiness: How to turn the workplace into a ‘happiness zone', one to which employees feel drawn?

Life @ Work

Creating happiness: How to turn the workplace into a ‘happiness zone', one to which employees feel drawn?

Where does India stand on the UN-sponsored World Happiness Index? We are ranked 136 out of 146 (Afghanistan - unhappiest) on the list. What is more surprising is that countries like Bangladesh (94), Pakistan (121) and Iraq (107) rank higher than India. While the data itself could be debatable, the fact that there are a lot of unhappy people around cannot be denied.
Creating happiness: How to turn the workplace into a ‘happiness zone', one to which employees feel drawn?

Every year on March 20th, the world observes the International Day of Happiness. Finland is at the top of the list and the happiest country to relocate to in 2022! Finland has been ranked  the happiest country in the world for the fifth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report  2022, but it's not just happiness that makes Finland an ideal place to live.

Where does India stand on the happiness scale? We are 136 on the list. What is more surprising is that countries like Bangladesh (94), Pakistan (121) and Iraq (107) rank higher than us. While the data itself could be debatable, the fact that there are a lot of unhappy people around cannot be denied.

The majority of us spend a significant amount of our time at work. Clearly, turning our workplaces into ‘zones of happiness’ can make a lot of difference. While aspects such as the level of corruption and social security would necessitate far-reaching changes, we can all do our part to make our workplaces happier.

Here is how we can make our workpalces happy, inviting, and reposeful:

Be kind & nice, do things for yourself and team members

A cheerful workplace exudes positive energy. One of the most important reasons why employees are happy at work is when they can say they have nice coworkers. Almost all organisations or businesses talk about being a family or working as a big team. This may become more difficult as businesses grow larger and more complex, but being available to one another can help.

Finding work life-balance

While we have set hours at work, one's life cannot be entirely focused on work. Finding a good work-life balance is critical and It's important to have a life outside of work. Developing social relationships with those around us is critical. Family and friends must play an important role, and a person who can successfully balance professional & personal life is much happier and satisfied with their lives.

Being grateful

Nothing works better than complimenting someone on their work. It boosts morale and has a general cascading effect. Individuals must appreciate their colleagues' efforts and give credit when required. Being conscious of and recognising the work that is going on around you can result in positive outcomes and reduce stress. This naturally results in much better working relationships.


Nobody enjoys going to work because it is routine, mundane, and repetitive. Unfortunately, most of us have to do the same thing over and over. Encourage employees to try new things and come up with new ideas to break up the monotony. While the benefits may be dubious in some cases, in this case, it exposes employees to new aspects of business, provides them with new skill sets, and helps employees appreciate each other's work much more. Every business is unique, and we must all work together to revitalise them.

Set a goal

Individual employees and the company as a whole benefit from having goals. Short-term and long-term goals should be identified to outline where an employer needs to be at any given time. However, it is critical for a business to set achievable goals. While it is true that employees must be challenged, goals should not be unrealistic, as this adds to stress. When goals are achieved, it can bring a great deal of happiness as well as a sense of accomplishment.

Increase your strength

Just like in life, there will be times when the chips are down. This can be applied to both the company as a whole and to individual employees. The key is to keep going without becoming overly concerned about setbacks. A strong spirit that can weather a storm and find positives even in the darkest hour helps to create a positive environment. A company that fosters resilience and encourages its employees to bounce back when confronted with adversity fosters a far happier work environment. As a result, employees understand how to let go and seek new opportunities, which leads to optimism.

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Topics: Life @ Work, Culture

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