Article: NGO Pratham lends a hand to the poor, gives them vocational training

Life @ Work

NGO Pratham lends a hand to the poor, gives them vocational training

In a world of cut throat competition, one can hardly find people from poor economic background earning a decent living out of private sector jobs. Most of them are either self employed or helpless job seekers. However, non-governmental organizations like Pratham are now helping people from lower strata of the economic ladder grab private sector employment opportunities by providing them vocational training. And to the surprise of many, several firms are now beginning to respond to their initiatives by hiring the underprivileged but skilled workforce from the training institutes run by the non-governmental organizations. These NGOs train students in these institutes to do entry level jobs in IT and BPO sectors.

In a world of cut throat competition, one can hardly find people from poor economic background earning a decent living out of private sector jobs. Most of them are either self employed or helpless job seekers. However, non-governmental organizations like Pratham are now helping people from lower strata of the economic ladder grab private sector employment opportunities by providing them vocational training. And to the surprise of many, several firms are now beginning to respond to their initiatives by hiring the underprivileged but skilled workforce from the training institutes run by the non-governmental organizations. These NGOs train students in these institutes to do entry level jobs in IT and BPO sectors.


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