Article: Here is how to make a right career choice

Life @ Work

Here is how to make a right career choice

If we can prepare ourselves well enough to embrace the dynamics of the job market then the chances of making a successful career opens up more.
Here is how to make a right career choice

We all have heard of the popular saying “Be at the right place at the right time”. And the saying holds good even while deciding our own career.  The pace at which the world is changing and so is the work environment, it has become challenging to access it at the right time and make the right choices. However, if we can prepare ourselves well enough to embrace the dynamics of the job market then the chances of making a successful career opens up more. Here are few points to keep in mind while deciding your career path:

  • Be career conscious: - Deciding your career is a serious and one of the most important tasks of your life. It’s important to be career conscious which means having a strong understanding of the choices we make. The planning stage is very crucial while preparing your career. Timing has to be right, it’s better to start early in your schooling days so that you have enough time to prepare for it. Deciding a career is a serious job as you deal with uncertainties and hence it’s important to be aware of the industry and your surroundings and how you can fit into this ecosystem
  • Focus on your interest areas: - Choices you make will determine the fate of your career. Many times our choices are influenced by our peers, societal pressure, big brand names and higher salaries. In this rush we tend to ignore our interests and skill sets.  Avoid such unnecessary pressures and focus on your interest areas. The chances are that you will be more dedicated and inclined towards learning and growing if you choose your area of interest and will be successful as well
  • It’s okay not to be academically sound, but focus on building capabilities is must: - Today employers are looking for capabilities and not qualifications. Hence, focus on building your competencies which are required to be employable in the job market.  You need not be academically sound but your ability to adapt, learn and perform matters more than your score card. Look for opportunities to build your competencies which could be in form of a summer job or an internship or an apprenticeship program. Learning by doing is the best way to build capabilities
  • Align personal preference to market growth: – Market dynamics plays a vital role in your career. While you make a choice of choosing a career from your interest, it’s important to assess the job market and align your choices. Hence it’s important to plan early and track sectors which could be influenced by Government policies and global markets
  • Focus on the learning experience: – As mentioned earlier we tend to get lured by big brands and chase them without knowing the potential they hold in adding value to our career. Instead of brand name, candidates need to focus on jobs roles, the learning experience and the potential to grow. It’s okay to join a start up or a growing organization with a clear agenda because there is a tremendous scope of learning which can later add value to one’s career. An organization which fosters entrepreneurship culture will take you far for sure
  • Always have a plan B: - Job market is dynamic and volatile; with policy amendments, political changes and emerging technologies influencing the market. And hence it would be wise to have a plan B while planning your career. Because of uncertainties and changing market dynamics, there is a chance that your career plan may not yield the results that were anticipated. Plan B will help you overcome such a challenge. 

Mostly the choices we make will have an external influence but as an individual it is important to have a positive outlook, growth mindset and flexibility while making a career choice.  Being prepared will mitigate the risk that the future holds. 


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