#InternationalYogaDay2022: Can yoga help us curb workplace stress? Let's hear from successful leaders

Everyone is bound to be stressed in today’s corporate culture due to hectic work schedules; such is the nature of life. Whether we are a successful corporate leader or a newcomer, we all feel disconnected and off at times as a result of a work-life balance imbalance. As working professionals, we all have concerns and issues that can bring us down. By taking inspiration from the lifestyles of these successful leaders, we can all use yoga to uplift ourselves mentally and physically. It can also help us recharge and work more efficiently.
Here is the list of leaders who practice yoga regularly and helped them in their professionals:
Sergey Brin (Google)
Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin co-founded Google with Larry Page. Brin is well-known for participating in a wide range of high-adrenaline activities. Yoga is another stress-relieving practice he enjoys. He claims that his practice keeps him grounded and gives him a sense of normalcy in his life.
Justin Rosenstein, Founder of Asana
When asked how the founder of Asana recharges, Justin Rosenstein says he meditates and does yoga, among other things. This allows him to forget about his hectic life and reconnect with himself.
Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of SalesForce
Marc Benioff founded the software company SalesForce. Benioff is spiritual. According to news reports, he spent time with spiritual gurus in Hawaii and India and returned with a vision for his future company.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey sees meditation as a way of "getting closer to God," and she credits it as one of the most important things she's done on her path to a billion-dollar fortune.
Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn
LinkedIn's CEO Jeff Weiner enjoys yoga and practises asanas and guided meditation on a daily basis.
William Clay Ford Jr.
William Clay Ford Jr, the executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, is a regular yoga practitioner. Furthermore, he is known to incorporate meditation and yoga classes for his employees in order for them to remain calm, alert, and productive.