Top 25 Best Workplaces in Asia: Works Applications

Rank: 11
Number of employees: 3,000, Headquarters: Tokyo, Founder and CEO: Masayuki Makino
Works Applications Co. Ltd. is an ERP company based in Tokyo. The company is present in eight locations across the world—Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Shanghai, Singapore, New York. Works Applications provides value to customers with new products and consulting. Therefore, only people who can create new values by analyzing and solving problems by themselves without stereotypes can realize this business model.
Moreover, there was no such environment in Asia where efficient people gather, stimulate each other and create new values similar to what happens in the Silicon Valley. The aim of the company was to create a platform where talented people from all over the world could work from Asia.
When WAP was established in 1996, the company did not have any child-care leave system. In order to prevent the large-scale exodus of talent, the company established the Works Milk Club, a childcare leave system, the basis for which was framed by female employees themselves. The system provides leave from the time pregnancy is detected until the child is three years old, reduced working hours until the child finishes elementary school, bonus payment which is 15 per cent of their annual salary if she comes back to work.
The company believes that families are very important to an employee’s emotional development. The company conducts Works Kids, an annual event where employees bring their children to show where they work.
Another unique feature that WAP offers is the Come Back Pass. Works Applications seek excellent people with strong problem solving skills and encourages them to take on challenges. In this spirit, the firm allows former employees to come back to the company with the same occupation and employment conditions within three years after her/his leaving. Thanks to the system, employees can choose their career paths more flexibly. Also, Works Applications aims to support Asian companies regardless of whether that is through its business software or through new businesses created by former employees of the company. Moreover, employees who have established their own companies, have studied abroad or acquired an MBA, or have worked at other companies, and came back to Works Applications provide it with new perspectives and experiences.
Works Applications put high value on human resources. Hence, the company has a major focus on recruitment and the recruiting department reports directly to the CEO. It is separate from the HR department. There are a lot of unique recruiting programs to “recruit excellent people unlimitedly”.