Article: At One's Finger Tips: Ruben Selvadoray


At One's Finger Tips: Ruben Selvadoray

Ruben Selvadoray, Business HR Head, Airtel Business
At One's Finger Tips: Ruben Selvadoray

The trends I see are more of integrated, custom specific, flexible, simple and intuitive technology where the small, customer centric and agile technology providers are increasingly gaining mindshare and acceptability viz-a-viz the monolithic, process oriented and complex corporations. HR is actively looking at technology to deal with needs of real time information/feedback, speed, scale, collaboration and alignment so as to create efficiencies and effectiveness in managing talent.

HR technology has evolved from HR controlled and confidential data repository catering to hygiene requirements in which employee/business were passive output users to employee controlled and transparent decision/performance support tool, catering to value added requirements in which employee/business are input and output partners.

The future of HR technology would be one of a convergent, integrated and real time performance support tool catering to the future of work, which would be transparent, flat, competitive and on demand. HR technology would be expected to seamlessly facilitate collaboration and bridge the current divide between work and life, bringing about social cohesion anytime, anyplace and at one's finger tips, immaterial of devices.

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Topics: Technology, Strategic HR, Performance Management

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