Article: #PMWPC: Twitterati deliberate on driving workforce productivity

Performance Management

#PMWPC: Twitterati deliberate on driving workforce productivity

Top business, tech, finance, and talent leaders in today’s People Matters Tweetchat highlight the key productivity barriers, discuss the skills that leaders need to overcome the risks and boost productivity, and talk about the role of Augmented Organisation in driving performance.
#PMWPC: Twitterati deliberate on driving workforce productivity

The main challenge confronting business and talent leaders in the new reality is productivity and performance of their employees. Those that are quick to deploy and leverage technology, change their policies, adjust their workplace practices, and respond to their employees' needs, are able to stay afloat. There is ample evidence of this in the way businesses adapted once the pandemic struck. But is this enough? 

As the pandemic continues to cast its long shadow well into its third year, and employees remain distributed, how can organisations continue to innovate and tackle the productivity crisis? 

On Friday, chief executives, finance heads, marketing mavens, tech enablers, talent leaders, and workplace experts came together on Twitter to brainstorm on the topic: Building An Augmented Organisation To Drive Productivity & Performance

Here are some interesting, yet relevant insights from delightful conversations that the Twitterati participated in a tweetchat hosted by People Matters today: 

Restrictive culture and unclear goals: The key barriers to productivity

Make more room for empathy & authenticity to drive performance & productivity

Invest in building the right skills: The first step towards more productivity


Leadership and People must co-create the roadmap for the future of work

The new world of work needs inspiring and honest leaders 

The world of work is currently witnessing the great intersection of technology and human elements. But this journey towards becoming an augmented organisation has just begun. 

The success of this transformation is at the intersection of people & skills as well as culture and technology. The upcoming People Matters Workforce Productivity Conference will focus on these levers to accelerate digitalisation, boosting productivity on the supply side while maintaining labor income & consumption on the demand side.

Join the conference, at 9:00 am IST on February 10, and learn how you can move the needle in your workforce productivity. 

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Topics: Performance Management, Strategic HR, Technology, #PMWPC

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