Article: People Matters TechHR 2020: The Great Reset

Strategic HR

People Matters TechHR 2020: The Great Reset

The current COVID-19 crisis calls for rewriting the HRtech and Worktech playbook. How do we do that? People Matters TechHR 2020, that brings together the most progressive business & HR Leaders, HR Analysts, and HR Technology experts & Worktech startups from around the globe aims to shine the light on the great reset.
People Matters TechHR 2020: The Great Reset

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” —Victor Frankl

Never have these been words rendered true on such a global scale as this year. The COVID-19 crisis not only changed our lives but our work and our world. Businesses the world over have moved billions of employees to work from home as they hunkered down to adapt to respond to the crisis and adapt themselves to this new changing reality. Or what we are calling the New Normal. 

But adapting also means going beyond responding and pivoting to the new. Today, business and talent leaders need to act boldly, decisively, and courageously, so that their organizations can accelerate their recovery and pivot successfully to the Next Normal. 

Year after year, the People Matters TechHR agenda has always taken a business lens to identify the biggest challenges facing us and from there, to attempt to find solutions at the intersection of people, work, and technology. It has always shone a light on the new that’s around the corner, on the next playbook waiting to be unveiled.

However, this time is different, this year is different.

In today’s world fighting one of the biggest crises that have beset us, there is no playbook to follow, there are no experts to guide, there are no tried and tested methods. Hence businesses have to keep on adapting, reinventing, and rewriting the playbook.

Hence, this time, at People Matters TechHR, we want to encourage and empower our community to try new things, to learn along the way, and to find answers. If we are able to solve enough problems not only do we get to survive as businesses but we also get to redefine distinctiveness and business value for our organizations and our industry.

We want to encourage business and talent leaders to adapt and gear up for the great reset.

This year’s theme, AdaptableHR: The Great Reset underscores the fact that the new reality is vastly different and the RESET that was needed earlier has transformed into a GREAT RESET at all levels of the business. It also means that HR needs to be adaptable as never before. We must realize that this is a journey and not a destination that will ever be completed. And to do that, we have to be brave, open-minded and flexible, listen to other people with understanding and empathy, be keen to learn, be resilient and be willing to face uncertainty and challenge.

Hence Adaptable HR is about encouraging adoption at speed, challenging the status quo, and underpinning our progress with evidence-based data each step of the way. 

People Matters TechHR AdaptableHR: The Great Reset Agenda Themes

The reset calls for adapting now as well as reimaging the organization for tomorrow. Hence People Matters TechHR 2020 week from 10th-14th August will focus on finding answers for both the now and the next. Here’s what the theme will delve in detail-



How do we deal with the day-to-day firefighting involved in managing, engaging, developing, and recruiting a distributed workforce - while at the same time keeping them safe and productive?  How do we manage “back to the office” and “remote working” sustainably? How do we re-align our culture and leadership to focus on maximizing people’s engagement and productivity?  



What are the sustainable talent strategies that can help us create a better, more inclusive, innovative, and significant future of work? How we might reinvent remote and distance work, communication, collaboration, engagement, and training? How we might restructure, reskill, and reboot HR strategy, operations, and delivery to better serve the organization of tomorrow



How technology is supporting organizations to accelerate the change we need to see and adapt to the needs of a more agile, empowered, and collaborative workforce in a distributed world? What is new in Worktech, Learntech, Recruittech, Engagetech, and Workforce tech that can help us find our way to the new normal.

The People Matters TechHR India Week (10-14th August) will focus on finding answers for both the NOW and the NEXT. As we shine the light on this great rest, join us at People Matters TechHR, a journey of opportunities that brings together the most progressive business & HR Leaders, HR Analysts, and HR Technology experts & work tech startups from around the globe. It presents a perfect opportunity to network with 5,000+ delegates and learns together how we can adapt for now and for the future.

Join us at People Matters TechHR India week,  join a journey of opportunities!

Click here to register.

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Topics: Strategic HR, #TechHRIN

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