Article: #9 Qualcomm India: Quality work & quality fun

Employee Engagement

#9 Qualcomm India: Quality work & quality fun

Good quality work is the key to engagement
#9 Qualcomm India: Quality work & quality fun

The Q in Qualcomm stands for quality that is practiced and executed in every domain of the organization including business, employee engagement and reaching out to the community. The effort to make a great workplace starts from hiring right by tapping into all potential talent pools. Anil Jacob, Director, HR, explains “Qualcomm’s core belief is that employees are the foundation of both, a positive culture and a successful business model. A unique combination of strong global business, powered by our global talent and our unique culture, puts Qualcomm ahead of its industry peers.”

Qualcomm actively pursues a positive work environment where responsiveness to employee needs is essential and open communication between all levels of staff is encouraged and exists throughout the company. It provides multiple programs and ways to help employees to have a rich and rewarding career. Its comprehensive work/life balance program called QLife offers a blend of activities and services, helping employees achieve balance between their lives at work, at home and in the community.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Culture, Strategic HR, #BestPractices

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