Article: Rewards Special: Peer Recognition & Visibility of Achievements

Compensation & Benefits

Rewards Special: Peer Recognition & Visibility of Achievements

Rohit Rawal, Co-Founder, QuadMo

The earlier notions of rewards and recognition are undergoing a significant transformation. Merely giving an employee a gift or merchandise is not generating the expected engagement, nor the return on investment as planned. Rewarded employees today primarily look out for a lot more peer recognition and especially direct visibility from their senior management. Employees also expect a much higher frequency of recognition and are not always satisfied waiting till the end of the quarter or the year for their recognition to come through. Further, when an organization has offices across locations, consistently managing rewards and recognition across teams or business units is a huge challenge. There are no accurate ways to track the budget expenditure on R&R across the organization too and take credible business decisions.

We at QuadMo, have tracked these evolving trends in the R&R space and the pain points that organizations face and have launched our market leading solution called SPOTLIGHT - which is the industry’s most innovative social rewards and recognition platform. SPOTLIGHT is a 360 degree R&R solution with a dedicated set of features for all stake holders: HR, managers, business unit heads, peers and the employees.

QuadMo aims to transform rewards and recognition to being a strategic value creator for firms. Its social recognition platform comes with a game-changing flexibility for corporates, as we understand that each organization’s DNA is different and therefore, we give them the flexibility to control how social they want to be.

QuadMo’s innovations in personalized video and voice citations from the managers are setting new trends in the recognition space. Our voice and video program is to encourage the senior management to participate and get involved. This drives a different level of motivation altogether. QuadMo has taken this to a new level with mobile-based delivery of the personalized video and voice congratulations from the management. For companies that are enthusiastic, QuadMo even has a feature that allows employees to showcase their rewards on their personal Facebook profiles. This enhances the emotional connect of the employees with their firms in front of their friends and family. QuadMo also helps companies drive their employer branding and referral recruitment on Linkedin via their R&R programs. Our reward module allows any vendors’ merchandise catalog to be integrated, along with our catalog, as we do not impose on a company to use only our catalog. By having a comprehensive rewards catalog integrated onto a centralized recognition platform, QuadMo has aimed at bridging one of the most common pain points for most of the organizations.

One of the best compliments we have got is that our workflow module for nominations, approvals and budgets is one of the most comprehensive in the industry today. It makes it extremely simple for managers and HR managers by allowing for a completely automated solution. QuadMo also has a very strong reporting and analytics module. It is now possible to pull out real time data on various parameters from across the organizations and have a real time follow up too.

We take a onetime setup fee for customizing and branding the solution as per the corporate requirement and have a monthly licensing fee as well. Our solution can be integrated on the intranet and with a single sign-on and we also offer SaaS based models. One the main factors that goes into deciding the monthly license fee is the mode of deployment, number of employees and the complexity of the program. The R&R space has for too long been dominated by the merchandise players, whose primary interest has been to sell more merchandise to corporates. QuadMo aims to set a whole new benchmark in the R&R space, by being a strategic partner in helping organizations enhance employee engagement, productivity and retention.

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Topics: Compensation & Benefits, Strategic HR, #Trends, #HRIndustry, #TotalRewards

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