Article: 10 Inspiring strategies for recruiting great candidates

Talent Acquisition

10 Inspiring strategies for recruiting great candidates

From understanding your client's needs to rigorous background checks, here are the must-dos to get the best talent every time
10 Inspiring strategies for recruiting great candidates

In the recent era, supply of job seekers has exceeded market demand, making recruiting a tough challenge, as shortlisting genuine talent from a group of hundreds is not easy. The pressure to hire the right candidates often affects one’s discerning abilities in the recruitment process. However, a strategic and innovative approach helps an employer to attract and retain skilled employees.

In the job market, you'll have to do things differently if you want to avoid sifting through a huge stack of substandard resumes. From conducting interactive group interviews to actively searching the talent at unconventional places, here is a list of strategies companies effectively execute in the hiring process.

Need Anticipation. Understanding the needs and demands of a client in terms of his manpower requirements, size of the organization, its goals, short-term and long-term objectives and the employer’s vision are important. Analyzing the expectations of a client from the newly-recruited team is vital in the first instance. This pre-research helps to shortlist relevant profiles from the data bank.

Enhance your connectivity in the market. Improving rapport with businesses and people should be the top priority of every HR consulting firm in this highly competitive age. The better you make contact with the people, the better results you can extract from the market. Set up a 24-hour job hotline and add it in your job postings. With a 24/7 system, you’ll amplify high-quality applicants by 30-50 per cent or even more.

Clarity on job profile. The very first step in this process of hiring the best is to explore, understand and be fully aware of the job opening or position necessities. While re-checking the outcome of your early searches to evaluate significance, scan the results for every other related title, key word, phrase and company that you can slot into your next search.

Scan all the resumes properly. Usually, jobseekers are not professional curriculum vitae writers. Candidates may not find it important to write about every information or experience. However, if you are still looking for those exact details and they are not there, it would be easy to comprehend that the person doesn’t have the required experience. Hence, do not make assumptions about the candidates merely by looking at their resumes.

Background check. It is important to inquire about the background of each candidate and listen to them. Why did he change his previous job? Queries about a lean time or switching an industry often help HR professionals in assessing a candidate's expectations and career goals.

One-to-one interactive round. Let a candidate speak in his natural manner. Do not create any communication obstacles. Instead, encourage her to share her personal opinion about a prospective employer. Discuss the opportunities and challenges one may encounter after joining the organization.

Give a sharp eye on referrals. Read the testimonials shared by the candidate thoroughly. Go for a reference check and a cross-check to know whether the references are authentic or concocted. This is a significant yet simple way in which you can choose the best and most experienced performers.

Re-appraisal of shortlisted candidates. Re-evaluate the resumes and job profiles of the finalists. Re-examine the qualifications sought after by the client and whether the candidate's past experience matches with the KRAs of the job profile or not.

Respect confidentiality. If the prospective candidate shares information with you on the pretext of confidentiality, make sure that you keep the information to yourself. Whether you hire a candidate or not maintaining the trust factor is crucial.

Use your gut feelings. This skill reflects your total work experience in the recruitment sector. Use your gut feelings in anticipating the future actions and decisions of the shortlisted employee.

Recruiting the right people for the right kind of job demands a lot of effort and the right strategies. People are the most powerful assets for any profitable and growing business. They decide the destiny of an organization and create a long-lasting image in the market. From top to bottom in the work hierarchy, every individual plays a significant role in the productivity as well as performance of the organization. Therefore, the HR consultancy can never overlook the minute aspects of recruitment and selection. A sensible recruitment approach can be mutually rewarding, while the converse of it may lead to successive failures or ultimate disaster.

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