Article: 5 key drivers for effective campus hiring

Talent Acquisition

5 key drivers for effective campus hiring

Here are a few tips for an effective campus recruitment drive

While organizations are looking at hiring fresh graduates to tap required talent early on, there is a strong need for the recruiters to keep in mind a few essential things in order to be able to select the best candidates. Here are a few:

Figuring out your goals

Determining an effective campus recruitment strategy is primarily about identifying organizational goals and addressing the challenges. This is not a one-time process. It has to be taken into account right from the start, when the recruitment planning for the whole year is done. Addressing questions like “why do we go for campus hiring” and “what kind of employees do we look for” will provide a better scope to developing further strategies to meet your goals.

Information Session

Briefing the students about the organization and the job expectations before the process begins is of utmost important so as to reach out to the right candidates. Campus hiring is also a branding opportunity for companies among the young crowd. So spreading the right message through an information session could be a key driver for successful campus recruitment.

Going prepared with the right selection tools

Once the strategy is set, the HR team needs to work out a plan to achieve that and the college/university that would meet its requirements. Preparations include the information session presentation, readiness of the speaker, resource planning, training of the recruiters, structuring of standard processes for each candidate and if required assigning peer advisors if there is some confusion between the top candidates.

Optimize the use of technology

Companies might want students to appear for an online test or be tested on some technical assessment tools like Evolv or use Big Data in order to screen the applicants. Going fully prepared for a campus recruitment drive is like half work done.

Social Media Channels

This is a tool being widely used by campus recruiters nowadays. In between the two candidate interviews, recruiters could just look up to the social media presence of the candidate. This gives them a chance to know the candidate better than just his CV. A significant rise in this tool has been noticed and it has lately shaped up as a key driver for successful campus recruitments.

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Topics: Talent Acquisition, #BestPractices

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