Article: Find your next job during the hiring week by People Matters and Indeed

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Find your next job during the hiring week by People Matters and Indeed

Indeed & People Matters bring to you, “Top Jobs in India" - A Hiring Week, starting from November 2 to November 6, 2020. The week showcases India’s top organizations hiring actively now. Connect with top leaders and apply for jobs and increase your chances of getting hired.
Find your next job during the hiring week by People Matters and Indeed

We are now sitting at the cusp of the year 2020. The year that actually made sense to what disruption really means and why agility and adaptability will be the key to surviving any disruption. One of the biggest impacts this crisis brought was on employment across the geographies. According to the recent update by the International Labor Organization (ILO), between April-June 2020, almost 400 MN full-time jobs were affected due to the pandemic

However, according to the various job sites, some of the top industries those were and are hiring are:

  • Shipping and delivery companies: Amazon was among the e-commerce companies hiring in masses, mostly for fulfillment and delivery.
  • Online learning companies: With over million of children out of school, it’s boom time for online schools, which are swiftly expanding capacity.
  • Grocery stores and delivery services: You’ve probably heard on the news about people who are ‘panic buying’ and huge lineups at grocery stores. Essential retailers have responded to this increase in demand by hiring more cashiers, store clerks, shelf stockers, cleaners, and a variety of other roles.

In fact, earlier in May, global online retailer Amazon announced it had opened up 50,000 seasonal roles in its India operations, with temporary jobs in the areas of fulfilment centres, delivery network, and part-time job contractors.

This came as welcome news to the fraught job market where - in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic - hiring seems to be frozen and pink slips are the norm.

And Amazon was not only the sole employer, BlueDart, Flipkart, Big Basket, Salesforce, etc. made headlines on mass hiring!

As employers, employees, and economies transform amid the COVID-19 times, it is essential to identify the jobs that will be in demand and help the current and future workforce prepare for them. It’s critical for governments, workers and employers to come and work together to build a sustainable future as we step into the future of work.

Being at the center of the People and Work, Indeed and People Matters bring to you “Top Jobs In India” a hiring week starting from November 2 to November 6, 2020 to get job seekers back to work.

The initiative will address the current challenge of massive job loss in the industry. As per data estimates, there were about 150 mission jobs lost in the last 4 months. While India is a great destination for talent, the opportunities have shrunk. At a macro level the industry, government, and corporate needs to align together to address this mega challenge. Every positive step to solve this will move the needle forward.

The initiative will bring together employers, government, and industry bodies to build a dialogue and action change. The initiative will also aim to register a large talent pool that needs a job, to know and meet the employers wanting to hire.

Here is a glimpse at some of the organizations participating in the hiring week:

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