Article: Five online hiring mistakes and how to avoid them

Talent Acquisition

Five online hiring mistakes and how to avoid them

By avoiding five online hiring mistakes, recruiters can get to the right talent quickly at a much smaller cost
Five online hiring mistakes and how to avoid them

Recruiting is a very challenging job considering various situations recruiters go through while meeting their hiring requirements on an on-going basis. It is the search of the right person to the right job in the right organization. With rising complexities and traffic of job seekers and employers, it gets difficult to match the needs of both the employer and the job seeker. In online recruitment, where a piece of information is limited to the employer, there may be errors that the recruiter may commit. In online recruitment, the applicant fills in limited information, which may at times prove to be insufficient. At times, in emergent situations where there is an urgency to recruit or fill a job position, the recruiter may at times hire the candidate which is actually not fit for the vacant job position and may ignore the candidate which was more deserving. Hence, in the process of online hiring, recruiters sometimes go wrong without realization.

Here are some of the common mistakes committed by online recruiters with their remedies:

Not testing the skill-set and/or skipping interview rounds

Sometimes, it isn’t easy to test skill-set without proper tools in place. However, there are times when some skills sets can be assessed without tools but by allowing some time during the interview but recruiters fail to do so for many reasons. Also, whosoever is being interviewed at whatever level, the interview questions should have an inclusion of challenging questions based on their current role. This helps in assessing their task behaviour as well as the level of training they require in their next job opportunity. As a strong recommendation, it should be included as a part of the screening process. Do not simply hire someone on his/her behaviour in the interview but include skill-set based questionnaire.

Not paying attention to your gut feel

The right candidate is always a mix of good skill-set as well as good behaviour. However, due to number crunch or time crunch, a lot of recruiters simply follow documented instructions and fail to see what their gut has to say. This usually comes out to be a mistake when a candidate looks ten on ten on paper or appeared as someone’s reference. However, if your gut feel is not too positive about the candidate, then he isn’t a fit. Having said so, the recruiter must also have a good explanation for justification purposes. What we recommend is that as a recruiter, you must trust, but remember to verify.

Making haste upon selection

Comparisons are good as they help recruiters take right decisions mostly. As a recruiter, you must be receiving many references from friends’ friends and recommendations from all over the place. But, do you have your own findings to compare this friend’s reference or recommendation to. Hence, it is advisable to allow cushioning and assess a few candidates for your own good. In addition to it, assign a member of your team to assess this person to tell you the truth of your judgment.

Hunting for reasons to reject

Here, you are playing a baddie. The right way to assess a profile is to create two lists that consist of positives of a profile as well as areas of improvement. As a recruiter, you can surely find many reasons to reject a profile but factor like trainability must be kept in mind.

Hiring a culturally unfit candidate

This is where recruiters need to focus while closing on a candidate. The right fitment into the organization’s culture, values as well as environment is crucial. Any wrong fitment can be the result of quick jumping on conclusion or simply meeting your number. But, it isn’t fair.

A recruiter should keep these points in mind while recruiting. This will not only bring ease and save time but also would lead to right decision-making.

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