Creating brand ambassadors out of HiPos
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HIPO programs and HIPO talent as brand ambassadors?
Employers that provide career development opportunities are six times more likely to engage their employees than organizations that do not. This establishes a correlation between robust HiPo programs and a top employer brand. And in order to establish this correlation, People Matters, in partnership with Right Management, organized the fourth edition of HiPo week which facilitated knowledge sharing about leveraging HiPos as Brand Ambassadors of organizations. This Special Story highlights the key takeaways from the HiPo week!
But 90 percent respondents believe that robust HiPo program translates into a stronger employer brand. Additionally, 79 percent of respondents believe that the quality of candidates referenced from a HiPo is higher than the rest. These are all indications on how participants think that HiPos can play a significant role in enhancing the brand and translating it into attracting more quality talent and higher retention.
The Study exposed that only 46% of companies leverage HiPo's in external forums and only 31 percent in social media. These are the low hanging fruits for the organization to leverage externally as well as creating opportunities for this talent pool to become mentors and coaching internally. As part of some other conversations and polls taken during the HiPo week, it was revealed that most organizations are having difficulty in leveraging Hi-Po programs as levers for enhancing their employer brand due to reasons like not being sure about the efficacy of the programs themselves, and the impact it may have on both the HiPos and the larger organization.
The need of the hour is for companies to take more risks with their HIPO talent. Invest in the foundation of the right selection and management of the HiPo program and provide opportunities for internal and external interactions with HiPo talent which can yield higher engagement, alignment, and pride of belonging to the organization - in turn increasing retention of HiPos.
(This HiPo Special is compiled from the events that were organized during the HiPo Week)