Rightsizing: An opportunity in disguise
In a competitive scenario when organizations are increasingly adding new lines of businesses, rightsizing can be an opportunity

Rightsizing involves realignment of employees from surplus pockets to deficit pockets, from diminishing verticals to emerging verticals
Is rightsizing a euphemism for downsizing? For both invite lot of cynicism. The answer is both yes as well as no. In times of major changes triggered by technological advancement and new product innovations, transformation involving reorganization or restructuring businesses is no more a once in a decade exercise but almost a daily affair. With change in technology, overnight some products become out of date and an organization has to undergo a huge change to align itself with this ever changing need for change.
One myth about rightsizing is that it is always cost cutting or reduction of work force. This may not be true. In my experience in a large public sector bank, I can say that many a times rightsizing involves realignment of employees from surplus pockets to deficit pockets, from diminishing verticals to emerging verticals. When new processes are put in place for effective customer service, rightsizing also involves strengthening certain departments to serve the customers. There...