Article: AI will have a pivotal role to play in boosting productivity of future workplaces


AI will have a pivotal role to play in boosting productivity of future workplaces

CX-driven AI technology has a pivotal role to play in redefining the paradigms of customer engagement and delivering improved business outcomes.
AI will have a pivotal role to play in boosting productivity of future workplaces

The enterprise use of artificial intelligence has been growing exponentially over the last few years. Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported by advanced big data and machine learning platforms has the power to transform the functional dynamics of modern-day workplaces. The new-age technology is rapidly finding application across varied operational domains like finance, HR, marketing and consumer research.

Successful businesses in contemporary times are not just about having the right product, service, price and branding strategy. Rather, it is about how your customer perceives your business. It also depends on how that perception helps in creating a personalized customer experience (CX) and building a strong brand value. In a competitive environment, business enterprises need to emphasize on responding to customer grievances and concerns in a real-time manner. Providing a swift response to the customer can be a crucial factor in retaining them and building strong business relationships.

CX-driven AI technology has a pivotal role to play in redefining the paradigms of customer engagement and delivering improved business outcomes. In this context, chatbots have emerged as a popular form of conversational AI. Leveraging the potential of automated messaging and speech-enabled technologies, chatbots effectively imitate human conversation to communicate via voice or text with minimal or no human intervention. By freeing employees from mundane and iterative duties, chatbots help human resources of business organizations to concentrate their time and energies on completing complex tasks. It helps to bolster employee satisfaction and morale and encourages them to think innovatively to achieve business goals and objectives.  Deployment of smart conversational AI applications not only help in boosting employee efficiency but also contributes to enhanced workplace productivity.

Employee satisfaction is a key facet of workplace productivity. We need to understand that dissatisfied employees do not leave organizations, rather they leave bad jobs. It is highly essential that employees, especially the millennial workforce are given sufficient opportunities for career progression. It is also imperative that they are imparted the right training and knowledge to ensure that their skill sets do not become obsolete in a fast-changing corporate ecosystem.  AI-centered Learning Management Systems (LMS) can help in creating a seamless simulated learning experience for employees.  Leveraging the potential of Augmented and Virtual reality technology can help in designing technically advanced learning & development (L&D) programs and creating personalized training modules for upskilling employees. Templates of AI-driven learning curriculums can be used to train future workforces and boost their efficiencies. By providing real-time feedback to employees based on information sourced from the training programs, employers can help workforces plug their skill gaps and maximize their work performance, helping in their transformation as valuable assets for the organization.  

AI-supported systems and search algorithms will be crucial to deliver a revamped employee experience and exert a transformational impact across the HR spectrum. The new-age technology will lend an interpersonal approach to HR facilitating greater mentoring and motivating of employees. Leveraging people analytics will be key to building a sustainable talent pipeline using data-driven assessments. AI needs to be viewed not as a replacement but as a collaborative tool that will not replace human intervention at workplaces but help in streamlining key work processes and enhance business competencies.   

Going ahead, businesses are likely to leverage its potential increasingly to improve employee efficiency and boost workplace productivity.  It holds the promise to revolutionize workplaces of the future, reduce operational costs, drive innovation and boost employee satisfaction. 

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Topics: Technology, #PerformanceBeyondProductivity, #GuestArticle

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