Article: An Indian company cracked the Gamification code for Time & Attendance

HR Technology

An Indian company cracked the Gamification code for Time & Attendance

Find out how an Indian company cracked the gamifiction code for the time & attendance when non-adherence to T&A and leave management processes are a big headache to HR managers.
An Indian company cracked the Gamification code for Time & Attendance

It was early 2016. At one of our Master-Mind sessions with industry experts there was a consensus on one thing – the employees resist compliance. Non-adherence to T&A and leave management processes are a big headache to HR managers. It’s not just a process issue but people issue. We often see the HR & employees breaking their heads over a petty attendance regularisation! 

While the employees resist the processes, it is also in their benefit. Apart from attendance marking, the compliance adherence keeps a mandate check that the employees are not overburdened with work. Proper and accurate T&A marking also assures that they get their due salary. 

The debate was energetic and in those moments, a challenge was thrown to us. Can we make Time and attendance capturing attractive? Can HR automation help in some way? We didn’t know the answer, then. But we took the challenge. When I passed it on to our technical team they were ecstatic. They wanted to do something groundbreaking, and this was an opportunity for them. 

People Matters Talent Tech Evolve 2018

From the beginning, we took the psychology of workplace in consideration. We took help of an NLP expert to create a pleasure-pain map for representative workplace. The high-stress levels in today’s organizations, faster turn-around time and quick response times were the key issues. On the other hand, the pleasure points were only a few.

This led us to the next question: Can we change compliance activity into an employee engagement process? Can we make the T&A a source of pleasure, rather than a pain point? 

Our grilling one-to-one sessions with end-users, the employees, and Gen-Y studies suggested us the solution: Gamification of compliance processes!

“Now Compliance is fun”

It was a eureka moment for us all. The technology team at Opportune didn’t have to see anywhere, anymore. They went into an overdrive to crack the technical codes. After thousands of hours of untiring effort, late night pizza sessions and numerous argumentations, we now have the next level of T&A solution.  While gamification is being used in learning and development and other such HR functions, we were the first to crack it for T&A anywhere in the world. 

We always do a beta testing first at Opportune itself. Our technology director Pankaj Shah is a tough task master. He threw all kinds of ‘torture tests’ and improved the solution even further. Then we put it to beta test with some of our close customers. The tests have gone so well they want to roll it fast in all of their organisations.

Now, in its final version, we have the Cuckoo Tech T&A solution which every Indian can be proud of. A robust & mature attendance solution with a flavour of gamification. It’s a different kind of experience. Every correct action on the attendance platform earns points for an employee. Weekly & monthly winners are announced. Here comes the bigger surprise, all the points earned can be redeemed for gifts, coupons, buying stuffs and offers to choose from a large collection. 

Like all innovations, it’s early time to project how it is going to impact the T&A industry, but I am sure it will help all. Because in today’s business scenario attendance marking requirement is much more than just compliance & salary. With services being the key to success in highly competitive business world, it is as much critical that functions report on time, like for the banks, hospitality, call centres, business process units. 

Project companies need an accurate time sheet solution, which is the only source for their billing. 

Organisation with huge contractor staffing, needs a robust attendance solution to track the deployment of resources to the billing of this contractors. These are just a few examples where attendance can really get complicated & critically linked to revenues.

Our innovation will motivate the employees to adhere to T&A compliance. It is fun to get some points and get a movie ticket for your family, rather than arguing with the administrative managers. The peer comparison on points earned will also put smiles on employee’s faces.

On the other hand less number of conflicts will help management to focus on key business issues. The regular and precise marking of attendance will also help in streamlining all business processes. From contractor workforce management to invoicing.

“Gamify your way to employee attendance”

We realised that Time & Attendance is a subject of expertise by itself, instead of just being a small function or module of an HRIS system. The need to give Time & Attendance its own identity as a solution was a must, we asked our research & development team to deliver a world class, mature & integrated attendance solution – from biometric on cloud using IoT, to seamless integration with attendance system, handling complex attendance scenario to leave management. Managing all generation of employees in this VUCA time. Cuckoo Tech T&A is the answer. We did this all with great precision & passion to change the way world looks at the attendance system.

We are getting ready for the next mastermind session, looking for next level of challenges. My team is hungry for more.

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Topics: HR Technology, Technology, #Gamification

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