Article: Are you using technology as an enabler or as a strategic move?


Are you using technology as an enabler or as a strategic move?

Jason Averbook, Co-founder, and CEO, LeapGen shared his views on technology and the future of work in a talk show hosted by Mahalakshmi R, Director, Human Resources, India Mondelez International at People Matters TechHR18.
Are you using technology as an enabler or as a strategic move?

People Matters TechHR’18 brought together a lot of experts and their experience varied, but all had the same motto of bringing about great ideas onboard. A talk show hosted by Mahalakshmi R, Director, Human Resources, India Mondelez International in the event gave us an opportunity to understand Jason Averbook, Co-founder, and CEO, LeapGen and his thoughts on technology, its pros and cons and what can be expected in the near future.

Jason had a different take on organizational structure and how one must perceive innovations.

He stated, “Technology is how you develop a strategy around people to enable them to grow. Technology itself would not change how you enable or deploy people; it is an enabler it is not a strategy.”

The best part in the talk show was the infusion of humor along with the hurdles thrown by Mahalakshmi and Jason seemed to have the right combination of cognitive ability and comic timing. When questioned about organizational failures with implementing new technology Jason stated, "Organisations need to be clear with their strategies before investing in any technology in order to avoid failure and optimize the potential of any innovation.”

Investing in sustainable technology

Trial and error have been a part of the society since humans have started to develop technology or any innovation. When Jason was quizzed on the method, he explained what things would lead to well-organized structures that are balanced. “It is essential for HR professionals and vendors to invest in a technology that would be sustainable rather than switching between innovations constantly as this can hamper growth and productivity.”

Jason stated that technology can sound wonderful in the initial stages of development and might also be able to deliver as expected but to achieve the desired result, one must constantly be involved in the evolution of the innovation.

He said, “When implementing new technology, it is crucial to be present at all stages from acquiring to implementation because if the leadership and team members do not stay in constant touch and communicate, the end result might not be as desired. You need to grow, nurture and modify in the process of development. Organizations need to grow along with innovators in order to not be relevant.”

With two people of different backgrounds and views, the session provided the much-required insights into the subject of not just technology, but how organizations need to picture and depict the future of their brand with the help of these innovations. Mahalakshmi and Jason provided the right combination of talent, humor, and keenness necessitated by the topic at hand.

Of course, we cannot deny the challenges ahead that would have to be faced by all, but the solutions presented are a distinct approach that might prove precisely the need of time for organizations adjusting to all the variations. One can only hope to adopt the technology if they are willing to accept the pros along with cons and be prepared to evolve along with it to stay at the top and reject innovations that do not go hand in hand with the organizational culture and your workforce.

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Topics: Technology, #TechHR2018

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