Article: Building inner game with experiential learning studio sessions at People Matters TechHR India 2022

Learning & Development

Building inner game with experiential learning studio sessions at People Matters TechHR India 2022

To become the architects of the future, we need to innovate in the face of new challenges. Learn to unlearn with these experiential learning studio sessions at People Matters TechHR India 2022, where we build the future of work together with the best leaders and thinkers of our time.
Building inner game with experiential learning studio sessions at People Matters TechHR India 2022

Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams! The invincible human spirit's greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. The pandemonium has settled down a bit at the moment but the situation in business has toppled and things are not in the right place. With experiential learning studio sessions, leaders today can have the chance to fundamentally re-imagine ways of working to engage their people in new, mutually rewarding ways. To get things up and running back on track in the way it used to be is difficult but, is it impossible? With People Matters TechHR India 2022, we will help you push the boundaries.

Unleash your creativity at Lego Serious Play (LSP)

As kids, we loved lego bricks but did you ever think it could bring about a change in your mindset at work? Well, this is your chance to experience a unique session that will improve your communication skills with your team and build problem solving abilities for your business. Play with a purpose to experience and understand the power of hand knowledge, grounded in the scientific disciplines of neuroscience, flow and imagination. Become the answer to endless possibilities with Geetika Kathuria, Lego Serious Play facilitator, Association of Master Trainers and Laxman Murugappan, founder and co-founder, Play, Think, Transform and Academy of Customer Experience Consultancy.

Unlock the power of Liberating Structures (LS)

Have you ever attended meetings where the entire discussion is managed by one person while the whole team spends time listening to that person? In today's hybrid work culture, traditional communication methods aren’t effective enough. Presenting Liberating Structures, an alternative approach to how people work together. With a menu of 35 structures, organisations can spark inventiveness to unleash creative adaptability, generating better than expected results. The future depends on how well you can collaborate with your team to scale and grow business in the most innovative ways and Ester Martinez, CEO and Editor-In-Chief, People Matters will be the facilitator, equipping you with a rich toolkit for teams, workgroups and organisations. 

Uncork magic with Social Presencing Theatre (SPT)

Did you ever think that simple body postures and movements could help you seek wisdom in every situation and bring about a profound change in your mindset? Social Presencing Theatre opens the doorway to awareness and deeper understanding of space, where you are able to comprehend the current reality and explore the emerging future possibilities. With rethink what’s possible at the heart of People Matters TechHR 2022, we believe that SPT, which is not really theatre in the conventional sense, can help dissolve limiting concepts, so you are able to communicate directly, access intuition, so as to make visible both current reality and deeper - often invisible - leverage points as you look ahead to create change. 

Find out answers to your biggest dilemmas at People Matters TechHR India 2022 at The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon with more than 100 speakers across a two-day schedule (August 4 and 5) full of keynotes, panels, roundtables and exciting networking opportunities. Click here to register now. 



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