Roadblocks ahead in the future for training
The challenges in training begin with the first step of training and ends with the last step of training.
The various roadblocks of training seen in future are:
Need Identification
“Learning without thought is labour lost. Thought without learning is intellectual death:”One of the major challenges of training is to identify the training needs. Training needs are based on the competencies identified by the organisation considering the fit between the work and the person. It is important to identify the behavioural and indicators adversely impacting the working of an individual. The search doesn’t ends here. It’s equally important to accept the need for training and looking forward to it positively. Training should not be conducted by an organisation because a training budget has been sanctioned. Training should be an integral part of overall organisational performance.
Training Course
How many organisations realise that they need to conduct a training program which is in alignment with the strategic actions and vision of the organisation? At times organisations conduct a run of the mill program or a program that is conducted by everyone else. There has to be a proper identification of the program to be conducted in lieu with the need identification. The training courses should inculcate contemporary topics which are more relevant in today’s times. The topics should help management drive business and not just build foundational skills.
Training Delivery
Training delivery plays a major role in contributing towards the success of a training program. Are the training programs engaging enough to make a participant sit for even a half day? Does the trainer follow the guidelines of various Instructional Theories? At times the feedback from participants comes saying that big AHA was missing from the training program.
“We are changing the model before we figure out what’s GOOD. Technology is needed but isn’t the magic elixir- we must figure out what works first, and apply the right technology second. The key is to figure out the framework around what makes the experience right- and then figure out the technology and delivery solution (online or classroom).Better courses are a must.” –Jim Trunick, Senior Director, Corporate Training and Development, Allergan.
Training Measurement
One of the major roadblocks of training is measurement of training. The training programs needs to be measured in terms of ROI. The evaluation of training effectiveness is not only important but needful to know that the objectives of the training program are achieved. Training should begin with the end in mind. It should begin with an unambiguous purpose to measure and evaluate its effectiveness in terms of results.
These are the major challenges at each step of training. Organisations need to be vigilant in planning and implementing a training program at all levels because each level has its own significance. If any aspect at any of the steps is ignored, the overall execution of a training program gets affected adversely.
Henceforth, training programs have a life cycle and to flow a successful training program, all the training programs should follow a life cycle.