Blog: The ticket to corporate gateway

Campus Recruitment

The ticket to corporate gateway

Not everyone is meant for all organizations and not all organizations are for everyone. Let’s get away with mob mentality since everyone is unique in competencies and capabilities.
The ticket to corporate gateway

Svādhyāya, as the word literally means is self-study or self-analysis taken by ones’ self to architect the foundation of vision and mission of self. It's a reflection of one’s thoughts purpose values, vision, and mission

Before applying to any organization do take a research on your personal vision, mission, and objectives of the individual self. This will be your guiding force for applying in the organization. Not everyone is meant for all organizations and not all organizations are for everyone. Let’s get away with mob mentality since everyone is unique in competencies and capabilities.

Every organization has crafted the vision and mission with values for itself to function on the mental makeup and interest of the founder and environmental equations. One has to do homework on whether “I am a right fit” or a “right package” made for the terrain of the organization to work for. A check on mental and physical endurance is a must along with the strong culture and leadership style check of the leader who has handcrafted the organization.

Very few management aspirants understand themselves and do a thorough analysis of ones’ self.

The analysis can be undertaken by having a dialogue with your mentors, near and dear ones whom you trust and look up to for guidance.

A thorough study of the organization's website, founder, current scenario and market conditions should be undertaken. Some answers could be tweaked for understanding the date of establishment, different verticals and businesses that the organization operates into. Blogs, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and Glassdoor review checks can be done to take a sneak peek into the organization. This check can be further validated if one of your student alumni, friends, relatives or cousins working in the organisation. 

This makes you doubly sure for the things seen and real-time experience from the employees working in the organisation.

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